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@briandrawert briandrawert released this 20 Mar 17:47


Timeouts via signal handling
Privatized methods
Test scripts load Cython conditionally
Order Propensity Formulas / Sortable Elements
Fix: timesteps calculated by round now, instead of floor
Fix: matplotlib plot() is now resizeable
Fix: test runner wrappers python versioning
Fix: plot colors loopable beyond 10 species
Fix: uniform colors between plotplotly and plot
Opioid example model added
Plotly figures can be returned without plotting
SBML features:
Events [and all subentities of Events]
Assignment Rules
Initial Assignments
Initial Value Reassignments
Function Definitions
Species: Constant
Species: Boundary Condition
Non Constant Parameters
Local Parameters
Increased MathML support
Fix: Rate Rules nomenclature matches assignment rules and sbml
Fix: numpy float casting (response to user issue)
Added Pylint badge
Removed mxml and python_libsbml from requirements.txt
Updated Installation instructions
Reorganized example directory
Added auto-deployment to PyPi
Fix: multiple error / warning changes to provide more helpful information
Fix: tau selection fixed in response to hybrid dynamic error
Export to csv
Example UML Model added