A collection of scripts used for the online habit tracking tool, Habitica.
Habitica is an online and mobile application for tracking and managing habits. It is done in a way that gameifies the building of good habbits and removal of bad habbits.
Habitica has a public API that allows players to automate some of the activities surounding the game/application. This is my collection of scripts that are run on the Goolge App Scripts platform.
I create one Google Apps Scripts "Project" that I called "Habitica" and dumped all my scripts I use for habitica into there. Most of the scripts or ideas for the scripts originated from a collection of Google Apps Scripts available on the Habitica wiki. I am in the process of streamlining the scripts to work better for my purposes as a Habitica user. To make life a bit easier I use the chrome extension GasHub (Google Apps Script GitHub Assistant) which allows me to pull GitHub projects directly into a Google Script project and push updates as I go.
To make it work on Google Apps Scripts you will need to edit the Project Properties and add properties under the "Script Properties" tab:
- apiToken : Set this to the value of your Habitica API token which can be taken from your Habitica Profile's settings page on the API tab.
- apiUser : Set this to the value of your Habitica User token. Also found on your Habitica Profile's settings page on the API tab.
List of scripts
- Utility.gs : A collection of utility functions I use in some of the other scripts.
- Player.gs : Defines a PLAYER object that has functions that can be called from other scripts. This basically hides some of the critical API user and token values in a closure.
- BuyArmorie.gs : Provides a function that can be scheduled periodically to see if a number of Armorie can be purchased. (Depends on the Utility.gs and Player.gs scripts)
- PartyBuff.gs : Provides a function that can be scheduled periodically to cast buffs for the party up to the available amount of mana. (Depends on the Utility.gs and Player.gs scripts)