This captcha middleware requires the express session middleware to be initialized before it is used. It can be installed using npm install express-session
. For configuration, please refer to the express-session documentation.
const { CaptchaGenerator, middleware } = require("@strafechat/captcha");
const express = require("express");
const app = express();
// initialise express-session middleware here
// the generator can be used separately from the middleware
const generator = new CaptchaGenerator();
After the middleware has been added, you can access the generateCaptcha
and verifyCaptcha
functions on the request object.
app.get("/captcha", async (req, res) => {
res.send({ image: await req.generateCaptcha() });
});"/captcha", async (req, res) => { // this would require the body-parser middleware
res.send({ success: req.verifyCaptcha(req.body.captcha) });