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Erik edited this page May 3, 2020 · 10 revisions

This information is in the progress of being completed, please be patient.

Chairman: Erik Bosch

Secretary: Damla Ural

Treasurer: Carmen Oliver

Liaison: Bogdan Cercel-Petre (Board 48)


The PromoCie of STORM is the committee that creates and keeps inventory of all promotional material for the association. Committees of STORM make request to the PromoCie for promotional material for events or other occasions. This can be, but not restricted to, design of a poster for an event from a committee of STORM, making pictures during such an event and sharing them after on for example Facebook and Instagram.

Currently, the PromoCie is split into 3 groups with different tasks, according to the goal of the committee, namely:

  • Graphical Designers
  • Photographers
  • Social Media Managers

The committee consists of these 3 groups, the board of the committee and the liaison of the Board of STORM.

Graphical Designers

Graphical design is a big part of the PromoCie. Committees can send a request for promotional posters to the PromoCie for an event they are organizing. They send the details of the PromoCie, on which one member of the Graphical Designer group takes on the design of the poster.

The poster is made into a Photoshop program like Adobe Photoshop, or the more commonly used free online browser version Photopea An introduction to Photoshop on Photopea on YoutTube can be found here. On the Google Drive of the PromoCie are several templates for STORM images already available to use in the creation of the posters.

When the poster is completed, the Photoshop-file (.psd) and either the JPG or the PNG-files (.jpg or .png) are uploaded on the PromoCie Google Drive. The poster is then printed out and distributed into the StoKa, on bulliton board near the StoKa and at the Board Room.


At the end of 2019, the PromoCie decided to buy a camera for taking photos at events of STORM. For each event of STORM, the PromoCie has one or two representatives at the event to take photos. They are responsible for the camera and for taking some nice pictures of the event. After the event, they put the pictures on the special section in the Google Drive dedicated to pictures of the events of STORM.

By making pictures, the PromoCie can share how exciting the events were to its members. These pictures are shared on a Google Drive available to the members so they can relive the event. These pictures are also used by the graphical designers to create compilations of pictures for ambiance.

Social Media Managers

STORM has several external media resources

  1. The Facebook Page/Story
  2. The Facebook Group
  3. The Instagram Page/Story
  4. The STORM TV in the StoKa
  5. The website of STORM
  6. The STORM webshop
  7. The mailinglist from the Board
  8. This GitHub STORM wiki

The resources 1 to 4 are under the control of the PromoCie. The Social Media Managers make sure that all promotion material is communicated to the followers/members through these resources.

This means that the Social Media manager have editorial rights on the Facebook Page, Group and Instagram Page. They make the Facebook events for the page with the correct information on it and include the poster made for the event by the Graphical Designers. Inviting members and sharing the event with the Facebook group reaches more members, as corresponds to creating a post for the Story of the Facebook Page and the Instagram Page.

The Social Media Managers are connected with the STORMapp on the STORM-TV in the StoKa. They are connected to a special site, where they simply drag-and-drop the promotional material, which is then shown on the STORM-TV.


The treasurer of the PromoCie is responsible for the financial status of the PromoCie.

The treasurer keeps the committee and the board of STORM up to date about it. The board, but also the committee itself, need to know if it is following the estimated budget of the year and possibly adapt to the financial situation.

Traditionally, the PromoCie is expected to not have any income.

The expenses in 2020 were estimated to increase compared to the years before. This was due to, but not limited to:

  • Printing expenses for posters and such,
  • The expected purchase of a photocamera,
  • The Photographers that would attend an event to make pictures there, could declare the costs for a ticket on PromoCie budget.

All these expenses are administrated by the PromoCie treasuer. This is traditionally done by the means of a spreadsheet in the PromoCie Google-drive. Here, the PromoCie-treasurer inserts the details of the declaration and informs the treasurer of STORM with the newly added information.

Important information of the declaration are Name of Declarant, Description Declaration, Method of paying out the Declarant and VAT related information, such as Amount Exclusive VAT, Amount Exclusive VAT and Exclusive VAT split per category. All this is available in a Template spreadsheet in the PromoCie Drive.


The Secretary of the PromoCie is the person that maintains most of the communication resources of the committee. Traditionally, these are

  • The minutes of meetings,
  • The Gmail-Inbox,
  • The Google Agenda.

Additionally, the PromoCie uses a Schedule-spreadsheet in the Drive to keep an overview of the requests of promotional material and the status of it.

The Gmail-Inbox, the Schedule-spreadsheet and the Google Agenda

The foremost task of the Secretary is sending and receiving mails in the PromoCie-Inbox. Requests of promotional material is sent to the Inbox of the PromoCie. The Secretary reads this and fills the Schedule-spreadsheet with the details of the request. There is a small email template for requests, which states what information of the promotional material is mandatory for the Graphical Designers to be able to efficiently start the designing. After filling in the details in the Schedule-spreadsheet, the Secretary announces there is a new task to the PromoCie-members.

Requests can be for promotion of events of STORM. The PromoCie is owner of a calendar in the Google Agenda called " Geplande Activiteiten", which means "Planned Activities". This calendar is used communicate every STORM event to its members. This calendar is publicly available and is directly linked to the STORM-site where it is shown.

The Agenda of several committees is also visible in the PromoCie Agenda. When a committee has confirmed the date of an event and created the event in their Agenda, the Secretary duplicates the event to the "Geplande Activiteiten" for it to show up for all members. If this event was not created by the committee, the Secretary can create the event manually in the "Geplande Activiteiten" calendar.

The minutes of meetings

Occasionally, the PromoCie has a meeting to discuss its functioning and distribution of tasks. The Secretary's task is to write the minutes of the meeting, make them readable and wholesome, and lastly distribute the minutes to the PromoCie members to read.

To do this, the Secretary has a Minute-template available in the PromoCie Drive.


By statutes, the Chairman is the spokesman of the committee and organizes the meetings of the PromoCie. Think of sending the whenisgood for the meeting and creating the Agenda of the meeting.

Though, the main task of the Chairman is not so much of being the leader of the committee and giving orders, but more of making sure everyone can optimally function in the committee and is having fun while doing so. It is possible that friction happens in the committee, or someone is not active anymore. It is the task of the chairman to discuss this with the person(s) of question and together find a solution.


The liaison is the Member of the Board of STORM that is attached to the PromoCie. The liaison keeps an eye out on the functioning of the committee, gives updates to the rest of the Board of STORM and can give feedback to the committee if applicable. Traditionally, the liaison is not assigned a task within the PromoCie.

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