Substra is an open source federated learning (FL) software. It enables the training and validation of machine learning models on distributed datasets. It provides a flexible Python interface and a web application to run federated learning training at scale. This specific repository is the low-level Python library used to interact with a Substra network.
Substra's main usage is in production environments. It has already been deployed and used by hospitals and biotech companies (see the MELLODDY project for instance). Substra can also be used on a single machine to perform FL simulations and debug code.
Substra was originally developed by Owkin and is now hosted by the Linux Foundation for AI and Data. Today Owkin is the main contributor to Substra.
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Have a look at our documentation.
Try out our MNIST example.
If you need support, please either raise an issue on Github or ask on Slack.
Substra warmly welcomes any contribution. Feel free to fork the repo and create a pull request.
To setup the project in development mode, run:
pip install -e ".[dev]"
To run all tests, use the following command:
make test
Some of the tests require Docker running on your machine before running them.
You can opt into auto-formatting of code on pre-commit using Black.
This relies on hooks managed by pre-commit, which you can set up as follows.
Install pre-commit, then run:
pre-commit install
To generate the command line interface documentation, sdk and schemas documentation, the python
must be 3.8. Run the following command:
make doc
Documentation will be available in the references/ directory.