News-App-Node-js Public
Web Application for latest news feed from top companies
HTML UpdatedDec 8, 2022 -
Orion-Inc Public
Forked from vkmanojk/OrionJava based Web Application for Higher Studies
CSS UpdatedNov 26, 2020 -
Smart-Contract-Icecubes-ICO Public
Implementation of a Smart Contract for the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) of my cryptocurrency Icecubes
UnorthodoxInc Public
Forked from rajasekar1999/UnorthodoxIncTeam Unorthodox Inc - EngiNx 2019 - Mental Health Detection by means of Thermal Imaging.
Python UpdatedJun 30, 2019 -
DCGAN Public
Implementation of Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (DCGANs) using PyTorch
Implementation of Sentiment Analysis on IMDB dataset where we classify a movie review as either positive or negative
python natural-language-processing deep-learning sentiment-analysis sentimental-analysis keras-tensorflowJupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJun 27, 2019 -
Sequence Models
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJun 27, 2019 -
Generating poems like Shakespeare poems after training on various Shakespeare Sonnets using LSTM model
python natural-language-processing deep-learning recurrent-neural-networks lstm-model language-model keras-modelsJupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJun 27, 2019 -
Blockchain Public
Implementation of a general purpose Blockchain
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 27, 2019 -
Cryptocurrency-Icecubes Public
Implementation of my very own cryptocurrency Icecubes
Chatbot Public
Chatbot implementation using Cornell Movie Dialog Dataset in PyTorch.The bot can converse with the user and can answer the questions asked though it doesn't pass the Turing Test
Built a Movie Recommendation System using AutoEncoders.It was built using MovieLens Dataset
Implementation of Smart Flappy Bird where the bird learns to fly on its own using Reinforcement Learning in PyTorch
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 27, 2019 -
Implementation of Neural Image Caption Generation using Flicker dataset.It generates a descriptive sentence of the uploaded image
Neural-Style-Transfer Public
Neural Style Transfer implementation in PyTorch.It generates image in the style of another image
Music-Generation Public
Implementation of Music Generation in PyTorch
Neural-Machine-Translation Public
Implementation of Neural Machine Translation system using Encoder-Decoder Architecture that translates the input German phrases to English
Vanilla-GAN Public
Vanilla GAN implementation on MNIST dataset using PyTorch
It uses web scraping to view or download Amrita University Question Papers.It will really come in handy during exam times.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 31, 2018 -
Using Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM) to predict Google Stock Prices
Python UpdatedOct 31, 2018 -