README Ishika Soni-2017eeb1145 Harsha Garg-2017meb1008 Vishal Lunia-2017eeb1177 Sujit Jaiwaliya-2017csb1115 Lakshya-2017eeb1149
Language:- C++
Phase 2:- Implemented all stages i.e. Fetch, Execute, Decode, Memory, Writeback
Note :- For running phase 2 main file, phase 1 main file must be run ahead of it.
Functionality to check register value after each cycle.
Functionality to run cycle by cycle
Instructions not supported:- - Assumption, code would be free of the syntax errors.
On the terminal :-
g++ main.cpp
Contribution: Fetch Stage: Vishal
Decode Stage: Sujit
Exeute Stage: Harsha
Memory : Lakshya
Write Back: Ishika
Main file , complete debugging and running of phase2 : Vishal and Sujit