350 commits
to main
since this release
1.2.0 (2024-10-18)
Bug Fixes
- .npmrc.ci to .npmrc (403ba58)
- add yjsProvider name to component names enum (b04cb97)
- async handle into version file (c53c96b)
- build inside version plugin (7a4752a)
- change type of visibilityTimeout (238ab61)
- yjs: compare typeof to string (6307f8a)
- create remote files before try to run build task (74e41b9)
- don't commig .npmrc files (516e6d8)
- don't commit .npmrc files (fd9b6d2)
- don't export awareness (93b31d8)
- sdk: don't use latest as socket version (be77683)
- don't use version to get remote config for realtime package (b9b9801)
- yjs: emit the 'mount' event, mark options param as optional (fe90d97)
- exec import :/ (66f07d8)
- exec import :/ (41df900)
- exec import :/ (4c9011b)
- exec import :/ (a3e9976)
- export Awareness as type (529fd29)
- export only realtime component through cdn (841b52b)
- export type from yjs (3dcb28e)
- extract types from correct path (2366f57)
- files with ./dist (7b6e36f)
- realtime: fix broken test file (6e735f3)
- realtime: fix npm package publish (22f46d5)
- realtime: fix npm package publush (8fc6a83)
- realtime: fix npm package publush (aaa598e)
- sdk: fix tsconfig root dir (5cf045d)
- give correct name and type to __yjs property in UpdatePresence interface (b8153c8)
- give correct name to yjs provider component (a1766f9)
- import child_process to exec build (22de2cc)
- import sdk as dev dependency in 3d plugins (6c19b99)
- sdk: import version from package json (628cd0d)
- import yjs as external dependency (d2e5db7)
- infinite loop when setting callbacks (bc9a4d7)
- install semmantic (774f183)
- load color of participants when join awareness (924700a)
- make dependency array empty so room is only destroyed when component is unmounted (3be3e50)
- yjs: make doc public (4998d39)
- mark yjs as external in build (103e27d)
- sdk: move packages to bundleDependencies (6dd58fb)
- yjs: move sdk and socket-client to devDependencies (1bae61a)
- yjs: optional chaining in case awareness is deactivated (744e807)
- pnpm plugin to semantic release (a7dbfd9)
- sdk: publish workflow (9ba0941)
- sdk: publish workflow (cc4f350)
- sdk & react: releaserc files (afe7dc4)
- remove --debug flag (36bbeca)
- remove @semantic-release/git from sdk release config (c5b3826)
- remove bundleDependencies (98e0531)
- remove console.log (08dff3f)
- remove demo from package (f18366b)
- remove duplicated package (035cabc)
- remove yjs from presence map (7ccb644)
- yjs demos: reset ids sets (c854f5e)
- reset observers in base component so the component cna be reattached (00c55f0)
- revert socket client ci (50ef549)
- run all packages build and publish in one workflow (86d3338)
- run build with turbo task (c9240ff)
- semantic release in debug mode (cef56d0)
- semmantic-release steps (b35ce37)
- wio: set initialized as false when destroying component (65d50b3)
- store local state and retrieve when connect to room (cf781ac)
- support for unespecified event type (ab50ebc)
- yjs: sync doc when host changes (4b40ec5)
- react: ts files generation (385e8d6)
- turbo: turbo tasks sequence (c27e8c5)
- type mismatch preventing build (3f57e52)
- socket-client: types before default in package json (1c1e4c4)
- use correct template for demos (728c32c)
- use pnpm plugin for semantic release (0aa5b3f)
- workspace:latest (7682e41)
- add logger to some parts of code (d977d6d)
- add prefix to enums (50db88d)
- avoid memory leakds in host service (cea1f93)
- awareness (128d538)
- build with pnpm (2a54f2f)
- build with pnpm, publish with npm (d73ff2a)
- change text color in user awareness (f51f159)
- clean up awareness class on destroy (418a9d0)
- autodesk: config autodesk to new release standard (f2824bf)
- matterport: config matterport to new release standard (7acc620)
- react: config react to new release standard (a94cef8)
- config realtime to new release standards (c6109aa)
- config sdk to new release standard (4402689)
- config service (24df823)
- three: config three to new release standard (2f6f185)
- yjs: config yjs to new release standard (29c0972)
- configure semmantic release to create release notes and commit the version in the package json (64e871c)
- create room through ioc (457bf1d)
- createRoom utility function (119c642)
- emit awareness events more properly (b79d2d4)
- playground: finish monaco + yjs demo (6d94b1d)
- get room history through http call instead of having a host (6062818)
- yjs: host service (83e47af)
- import provider for cdn (e7ca2df)
- improve types and emit events (92df60a)
- improve typing when subscring to launcher events (066e1ef)
- optional awareness initialization (f4b0ddc)
- re-order release tasks and review the github success comment (ab37be9)
- react sdk yjs demo (6137032)
- mouse-pointers: remove css transition (d066e4f)
- realtime: remove default throttle when publish events (458ad82)
- wio yjs demo (0600c64)
- yjs quill wio demo (bc35937)
- react: yjs (7b95b98)