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This project is fully functional, but it requires a lot of attention in several areas:

  • Documentation,
  • Example,
  • Tests,
  • Other process related stuff,
  • Comments and other readability improvements in generated code,
  • Readability improvements in Sourcery Template,
  • Basic framework info. Why, Inspirations, etc...

If you're willing to help then by all means chime in! We are open for PRs.



class Context {
     let networkProvider: NetworkProvider
     let authProvider: AuthProvider
     let localStorage: LocalStorage
let context = Context(...)

let VC = MessagesViewController(networkProvider: context.networkProvider, authProvider: context.authProvider, localStorage: context.localStorage)
class MessagesViewController: UIViewController {
    private let networkProvider: NetworkProvider
    private let authProvider: AuthProvider
    private let localStorage: LocalStorage
    private let viewModel: MessagesViewModel

    init(networkProvider: NetworkProvider, authProvider: AuthProvider,  localStorage: LocalStorage, ...) {
       self.networkProvider = networkProvider
       self.authProvider = authProvider
       self.localStorage = localStorage
       self.viewModel = MessagesViewModel(networkProvider: networkProvider, authProvider: authProvider, localStorage: localStorage, ...)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
class MessagesViewModel {
     let networkProvider: NetworkProvider
     let authProvider: AuthProvider
     let localStorage: LocalStorage

    init(networkProvider: NetworkProvider, authProvider: AuthProvider,  localStorage: LocalStorage, ...) {
       self.networkProvider = networkProvider
       self.authProvider = authProvider
       self.localStorage = localStorage

    func checkIfLoggedIn() -> Bool  {


class Context: RootInjector {
     let networkProvider: NetworkProvider
     let authProvider: AuthProvider
     let localStorage: LocalStorage
let context = Context(...)

let VC: MessagesViewController = context.inject()
protocol MessagesViewControllerInjector {

 class MessagesViewController: UIViewController {
    init(injector: MessagesViewControllerInjectorImpl) {
       self.injector = injector
       self.viewModel = inject()
// ------------------------------------------------------
 protocol MessagesViewModelInjector {
    var networkProvider: NetworkProvider {get}
    var authProvider: AuthProvider {get}
    var localStorage: LocalStorage {get}

class MessagesViewModel {
    func checkIfLoggedIn() -> Bool  {
  • For each class you declare only dependencies needed by it. Not it's children.
  • You don't get big bag of dependencies that you have to carry to all classes in your project.
  • Dependencies are automatically pushed through hierarchy without touching parent classes definitions,
  • init of each class contains only those dependencies that are trully needed by it or it's children (wrapped in a simple struct),
  • Your classes can still be constructed manually,
  • inject functions take as arguments dependencies that have not been found in current class, but are required by children.
  • Not a single line of magic. You can Cmd+Click to see exact definitions. To achieve DI only protocols, structs and extensions are used.
  • Command Completion for everything.

Summary of terms:

  • Injector - specification of dependencies of a class
  • Injectable - Class that needs its dependencies to be injected (via Injector in init)
  • InjectsXXX - Must be implemented by parent class that wants to inject XXX injector.
  • RootInjector - Class or struct that implements this protocol will be automatically able to injects all Injectors. This is a top of injection tree. There must be exactly one class implementing this protocol.



InjectGrail is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'InjectGrail'


  1. import InjectGrail

  2. For every class that needs to be Injectable instead o passing arguments directly to init create a protocol that will specify them and let it conform to Injector protocol.

    For example, let's say we have a MessagesViewModel which we want to be injectable.

    class MessagesViewModel {
       let networkManager: NetworkManager
       init(networkManager: NetworkManager) {
           self.networkManager = networkManager

    We need to create MessagesViewModelInjector - name doesn't matter. By convention we use <InjectableClassName>Injector and we let it conform to Injector

        protocol MessagesViewModelInjector: Injector {
            var networkManager: NetworkManager {get}
  3. Add a new build script (before compilation):


    If you ever encounter issues with underlying sourcery magic, you can pass extra arguments to it using EXTRA environment variable. For example to disable sourcery cache you can call EXTRA="--disableCache" "$PODS_ROOT/InjectGrail/Scripts/"

  4. Add a class or struct that implements RootInjector. This will be your top most injector capable for injecting all other Injectables. Injectables can be created manually as well.

    struct RootInjectorImpl: RootInjector {
           let networkManager: NetworkManager
           let messagesRepository: MessagesRepository
           let authenticationManager: AuthenticationManager
  5. Compile. Injecting script will generate files /InjectGrail/RootInjector.swift, /InjectGrail/Injectors.swift and /InjectGrail/Injectables.swift in your project folder. Add them to project (and as an Output of buildstep added in previous steps).

  6. For every class that needs to be Injectable let it implement Injectable and satisfy protocol requirements by creating field injector and init(injector:...). Actual structs that can be used are created by the injection framework based on your Injectors definitions. For example for our MessagesViewModel we created protocol MessagesViewModelInjector, so injection framework created implementation in struct MessagesViewModelInjectorImpl (added Impl). We should use that.

    class MessagesViewModel: Injectable {
        let injector: MessagesViewModelInjectorImpl
        init(injector: MessagesViewModelInjectorImpl) {
            self.injector = injector

    All properties from MessagesViewModelInjector can be used directly in MessagesViewModel via extension that was automatically created by InjectGrail. So in this case we can use networkManager directly.

    class MessagesViewModel: Injectable {
       let injector: MessagesViewModelInjectorImpl
       init(injector: MessagesViewModelInjectorImpl) {
           self.injector = injector
       func doSomeAction() {
  7. For each Injector InjectGrail also creates protocol Injects<InjectorName> so in our case this would be InjectsMessagesViewModelInjector. Classes that are Injectable themselves and want to be able to inject to other Injectables can conform that protocol to create helper function inject(...), that doesn injecting. InjectGrail automatically resolves dependencies between current class' Injector and target Injector and adds arguments to function inject for all that has not been found. Conforming to Injects<InjectorName> also adds all dependencies of the target to current injector Impl.

    If we were to create MessageRowViewModel from MessagesViewModel. We would need to create MessageRowViewModelInjector and let MessageRowViewModel implement Injectable, like so:

    protocol MessageRowViewModelInjector: Injector {
        var messagesRepository: MessagesRepository {get}
        var messageIndex: Int {get}
    class MessageRowViewModel: Injectable {
       let injector: MessageRowViewModelInjectorImpl
       init(injector: MessageRowViewModelInjectorImpl) {
           self.injector = injector

    After running injection script we can make MessagesViewModel implement InjectsMessageRowViewModelInjector and after next run of script MessagesViewModelInjectorImpl would automatically get additional property messagesRepository - because it's provided by RootInjector, and MessagesViewModel would be extended with function func inject(messageIndex: Int) -> MessageRowViewModelInjector, which it could use to create MessageRowViewModel like so:

    class MessagesViewModel: Injectable {
       let injector: MessagesViewModelInjectorImpl
       init(injector: MessagesViewModelInjectorImpl) {
           self.injector = injector
       func createRowViewModel() {
         let rowViewModel = MessageRowViewModel(inject(messageIndex: 0))

    Ints and Strings are never resolved during injection. Even if Injecting class also has it in its Injector. Resolving migh be also disabled manually for field in Injector by adding Sourcery annotation:

    protocol MessageRowViewModelInjector: Injector {
        var messagesRepository: MessagesRepository {get}
        // sourcery: forceManual
        var authenticationManager: AuthenticationManager {get}
        var messageIndex: Int {get}

    In the example above authenticationManager will be always come from arguments to inject function of injecting classes.

Resolving logic

When resolving dependency against parent Injector InjectGrail searches via type definition. If there are multiple properties of the same type, then it additionally matches by name. As mentioned above Ints and Strings are never resolved.


Łukasz Kwoska, [email protected]


InjectGrail is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


  • This project couldn't exist without Sourcery. It's the main component behind the scences.
  • Annotation Inject - Thanks for showing me how easy it is to use sourcery from pod.