This demo is a good tool for testing purposes on platform Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10. You can find there:
- Launching Fleet application as an embedded component onto the application window or as a new windows. You can set there the position and range of this window as well.
- More than 40 API functions. You can easily change the parameters and all results are logged at left bottom of the application window.
- The way how to parse the data getting from events.
- Shows the way how to push nmea sentences into the navigation and playing the GPS log.
- Possibility of generating itineraries inside specific area on map automatically.
- Device itinerary into smaller ones.
- Detect not correct waypoints – the ones when the navigation fails.
- Download required dlls and navigation example
- Please make sure that you have installed the corresponding navigation on your computer.
- Please make sure that you have copied the “ApplicationApi.dll” and “sdkdriver.dll” into this folder on your computer: C:\Windows\
- Add ApplicationAPI.NET.dll as a reference to WindowsDemo project
- Please use MS Visual Studio 2015 and run the project under X86 platform.
- More information can be found
- After building and launching the “WindowsDemo” application, please set the path to the *.exe navigation.
- Click on the green “Start” button on the middle left of the screen.
- After starting the navigation successfully you can select specific API function or feature via main menu.
- AddBitmapToMap
- AddEntryToItinerary
- AddItinerary
- AddPoi
- AddPoiCategory
- BringAppToBackground
- BringAppToForeground
- CloseDialogs
- FindNearbyPoi
- GetCoordinatesFromOffset
- GetItineraryList
- GetLocationInfo
- GetMapVersion
- GetNextInstruction
- GetPoiCategoryList
- GetPoiList
- GetRouteInfo
- GetRouteStatus
- GetUniqueDeviceId
- Get/SetApplicationOptions
- IsDriveRunning
- LoadComputedRoute
- LocationFromAddress
- LocationFromAddressEx
- NavigateToAddress
- OnMenuCommand
- PlayGpsLog
- PlaySoundTTS
- ShowCoordinatesOnMap
- SkipNextWaypoint
- Start/Stop/Quit
- StartNavigation
- TripAddUserEvent
- TripEnd
- TripStart
- UnloadGFFile
- UpdatePois
… and many more