Add navigation features to your app with SygicMaps framework. Examples are provided as an addition to documentation.
Each folder contains an iOS application project. Projects are independent from each other.
- SygicStart - show the map (corresponds to Getting Started)
- BasicRouting - calculate a route, show it on map (corresponds to Routing)
- Install CocoaPods
- Clone this repository
- From Terminal, go to SygicStart directory
cd /your/path/to/sygic-sdk-examples-ios/SygicStart
- From Terminal, install CocoaPods dependencies using
pod install
- Open SygicStart.xcworkspace
- Set your Apple Development signing identity
- Build the project (at the very first time it will fail because API key is not set yet)
- Fix errors in NoCommitConstants.swift by specifying your Sygic API key and License key (this file is shared between all projects)
- Build and run the application
Similar approach is valid for each folder with demo project.
- If SDK initialization fails with error "jwt token verification failed", most probably the License key doesn't match the application Bundle Identifier.