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Installation Instructions

radj307 edited this page Feb 3, 2023 · 7 revisions


What is Synthesis?

Synthesis is a patching framework for Bethesda games (including Skyrim LE/SE/AE) that replaces the outdated and poorly-documented zPatch utility. It is used to dynamically read and write ESPs using patchers written in C#.

Do I need to install Synthesis to use Another Archery Patcher?

Method 1 & Method 2 both require Synthesis to be installed.
Method 3 does not require Synthesis, but it can be used with it.

How do I install Synthesis?

See the Synthesis Installation Guide for detailed instructions.

Installation Methods

There are numerous ways to install Synthesis patchers. Another Archery Patcher actively supports 3 different installation methods.

Method 1 is the easiest & most straightforward, and is recommended for most users.

Method 1: .synth File

This is the recommended installation method for most users and is the least complex.

  1. Download Another-Archery-Patcher.synth from Github or the Nexus.
  2. Launch Synthesis, then double-click on the .synth file.
    Another Archery Patcher will automatically be added to your patcher list.

Method 2: Git Repository

  1. Launch Synthesis and click the Git Repository icon in the top-left corner.
  2. Find Another Archery Patcher in the list, and click the Add Patcher button next to it.
  3. Return the the main menu by clicking the back arrow.
  4. Tick the box next to Another Archery Patcher to activate it.
  5. If you want to change the settings, select the patcher then click the Settings tab.
    For documentation on the settings menu, see the Settings Documentation tab on the sidebar of this page.

Method 3: Standalone

⚠️ Note

This version is an executable that is bundled with everything it needs to run, and it does not require the Synthesis client in order to use it. (Remember to run the executable through your mod manager, if applicable!)

It is highly recommended that you use the other installation methods instead of this one, because the standalone version is missing features that are only available via the Synthesis client:

  • Patcher Settings GUI
  • Update Notifications
  • Automatic ESP merging
  1. Download the latest version of the patcher from Github or the Nexus.
  2. Extract the downloaded archive to a location of your choosing.
  3. Run Another_Archery_Patcher.exe from your mod manager and wait for the process to finish. Once it's complete, refresh your load order and you should see AnotherArcheryPatcher.esp.

Using the Standalone Version with the Synthesis client

You can also add the standalone version as an external patcher in your Synthesis client to take advantage of automatic ESP merging. When adding a new patcher, click the "External Patcher" option, and enter the path to Another_Archery_Patcher.exe.