the locked timer and date feature never really worked. also isnt that secure
so i scrapted it and its working on a code system
it makes it easier (on my end) and more userfriendly
tibthink@reliqua:~/reliqua2.0$ ./ --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
-m, --message TEXT Sets your message
-p, --port INTEGER Sets the port you want the server to run on
-k, --keygen INTEGER how many combinations do you want your message to have
-c, --code TEXT Set the code to unlock the message
-s, --server Runs the server in the backgroud and starts
automaticly even if the computer shuts down (Linux
-z, --zip (optional) Will zip the client directory so it can be
-C, --clean Reverts back to a clean slate (THIS WILL REMOVE
-L, --local Sets the config ip to your local address (Good for
testing before using)
-V, --version Current version: 2.1.6
--help Show this message and exit.
Ive made a script to do all the heavy lifiting.
To use it type in the following command into the shell.
sudo ./
Simple as that. if there are any errors please make a issue ticket and i will
try to respond to it as soon as possible
this should work for setting up for windows.
to run this open a command prompt as a admin and type this command
C:\Users\tibthnk\reliqua2.0> setup.bat
if any errors occure please make a issue ticket and i will
respond to it as soon as i am able too
- Sometimes the encoding and decoding dont work, if this happens
just rerun the script and it should work it self out.
if possible please upload the error message to the issues panel
and give as much detail you can give.