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Tom Wright edited this page Mar 14, 2017 · 1 revision

Setting up a new project for DTIPrep processing

DTIPrep expects a project specific protocol file protocol.xml. This ensures the scan collection parameters are the same across scans. The protocol.xml file must be manually created.

  1. Start the DTIPrep singularity container in shell mode, with /input directory pointing to a suitable example scan. The /output directory needs to point to a folder with write permission.

    $ singularity shell -B <path_to_input_nrrd_folder>:/input -B <path_to_output>:/output <container>

  2. Start DTIPrep in interactive mode.

    Singularity> $ DTIPrep

  3. Open NRRD file [image]

  4. Navigate to /input and open the example file.

  5. On the protocol tab select Default to generate the default protocol. [image]

  6. Modify the protocol as required, N.B. capitalisation is important.

  • Brainmasking

    If brain masking is required set:

Parameter Value Notes
BRAINMASK_method 1 Slicer masking
  • Dominant direction check

    The dominant direction check looks for artifacts thought to be caused by scanner bed vibration, these are particulary prevalent in older scanners and with smaller subjects (children / animals) ref.

Parameter Value Notes
  • Denoising

    If required, it is recomended that only one of DENOISING_bCheck or JOINDENOISING_bCheck is enabled ref.

  1. Select Save as and navigate to /output. Save the protocol as dtiprep_protocol.xml.

  2. Exit the DTIPrep GUI.

  3. Exit the singularity container:

    singularity> $ exit

  4. Move the new protocol file to the project metadata folder. `$ mv dtiprep_protocol.xml <path_to_project_metadata>

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