Fresher pass for the new students to compete on collecting points from events and tasks.
docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm web bin/rails db:setup && bin/rails db:seed
docker-compose up
When the app is already running with docker-compose
up, attach to the container:
docker-compose exec web bin/rails c
When no container running yet, start up a new one:
docker-compose run --rm web bin/rails c
docker-compose run --rm web bin/rspec
In rails console run
user = User.create(username: "Username", first_name: "First name", last_name: "Last name", irc_nick: "Irc or Telegram nick", email: "[email protected]", password: "Password", password_confirmation: "Password", confirmed_at:, privacy_policy_consent: true)
user.add_role 'admin'