Implementation of the Pedersen commitment scheme.
The TNO PET Lab consists of generic software components, procedures, and functionalities developed and maintained on a regular basis to facilitate and aid in the development of PET solutions. The lab is a cross-project initiative allowing us to integrate and reuse previously developed PET functionalities to boost the development of new protocols and solutions.
The package tno.zkp.commitment_schemes.pedersen
is part of the TNO Python Toolbox.
Limitations in (end-)use: the content of this software package may solely be used for applications that comply with international export control laws.
This implementation of cryptographic software has not been audited. Use at your own risk.
Documentation of the tno.zkp.commitment_schemes.pedersen
package can be found
Easily install the tno.zkp.commitment_schemes.pedersen
package using pip
$ python -m pip install tno.zkp.commitment_schemes.pedersen
Note: If you are cloning the repository and wish to edit the source code, be sure to install the package in editable mode:
$ python -m pip install -e 'tno.zkp.commitment_schemes.pedersen'
If you wish to run the tests you can use:
$ python -m pip install 'tno.zkp.commitment_schemes.pedersen[tests]'
Note: A significant performance improvement can be achieved by installing the GMPY2 library.
$ python -m pip install 'tno.zkp.commitment_schemes.pedersen[gmpy]'
NOTE: This library is meant to be used in combination with the zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) template library found here. Preliminaries on the content can also be found here. The Pedersen library is an instance of a ZKP, which uses the functionality from the template. In that sense, it is interchangable with the modulus linear form described in the template. They are both homomorphisms to be used in sigma protocols, though they have different structure. If anything below is unclear, it is highly recommended to read the preliminaries.
The ZKP library is based on Thomas Attema's dissertation Compressed
A commitment scheme is a cryptograpic protocol that is used when a party has a value they want to commit to now, but only share later. A commitment scheme consists of two phases: in the commit phase, the prover commits to a chosen value and sends a commitment to the verifier. During the reveal phase, the prover sends the original value and the verifier checks that the earlier commitment was indeed correct. One can view the functionality similar to the prover putting the value in a box, locking it and giving it to the verifier, and only later giving the key to the verifier to check. Commitment schemes can for instance be used to fairly flip a coin over text-only communication, where it can make sure neither party cheats by changing their prediction. It can also be used in more complex applications, such as signature schemes, secret sharing or zero-knowledge proofs.
The Pedersen commitment scheme is defined as follows. The prover has a secret value
Splitting the homomorphism
and similarly the generators
If we plug general
Therefore when splitting, we define
To support the creation of a sigma protocol the template classes have been created. The template classes can be split into two categories.
The first category are the classes needed to create a basic sigma protocol. The basic sigma protocol creates a proof of knowledge in a non-interactive way. The StandardSigmaProtocol
object contains all the information needed for the verification and none of the private information. The object can therefore be shared with the verifier for verification.
The PedersenVectorCommitmentScheme
is a Homomorphism
object that can be used with the sigma protocol library.
The easiest way to create a PedersenVectorCommitmentScheme
is using the from_security_param
, supplying a key length of 256 bits and generating a vector of length 16 in this case. You can also define the coefficients manually, but you need to supply a large enough safe prime as well.
Generating the proof of knowledge is relatively straight forward. You call the method generate_proof
with the homomorphism, the secret input and the hash function. The class will handle the process as described in the steps above.
To verify the proof of knowledge you only need to call the verify
from tno.zkp.commitment_schemes.pedersen import PedersenVectorCommitmentScheme
from tno.zkp.templates.sigma_protocol import StandardSigmaProtocol
homomorphism = PedersenVectorCommitmentScheme.from_security_param(key_length=256, vector_length=16)
secret_input_x = homomorphism.random_input()
proof_of_knowledge = StandardSigmaProtocol.generate_proof(
homomorphism, secret_input_x, "sha256"
# proof of knowledge can now be transferred to the verifier
assert proof_of_knowledge.verify()
To compress a proof of knowledge there are some requirements on the homomorphism and the input. The requirements are
enforced using the CompressibleHomomorphism
and the CompressibleHomomorphismInput
abstract classes.
Compressing a proof of knowledge makes the verification of the protocol cheaper. The cost savings occur due to a compression mechanism. The compression mechanism is described in detail in the dissertation.
The PedersenVectorCommitmentScheme
class satisfies the requirements. Therefore, we can use the
previous proof of knowledge for compression.
To apply the compression we need to use a compression mechanism. The compression mechanism from the dissertation has been implemented in the template. To apply it you need to do the following:
from tno.zkp.templates.compression_mechanism import full_compression
# compress the proof of knowledge as much as possible
compressed_protocol = full_compression(proof_of_knowledge)
assert compressed_protocol.verify()
The function full_compression
reduces the ZKP from length compression
and is available to the user as well. The compression
function halves the length of the ZKP.