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executable file
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Working with Raspberry Pi

Setup Autopilot

QGroundControl offers a multitude of parameters for customization. Below are the fundamental steps required for setting it up:

# @name Balamut i Oborot
# @type Quadrotor X

. ${R}etc/init.d/rc.mc_defaults

# Attitude & rate gains
# Roll
param set-default MC_ROLL_P 6.5
param set-default MC_ROLLRATE_P 0.0630
param set-default MC_ROLLRATE_I 0.0840
param set-default MC_ROLLRATE_D 0.0014
param set-default MC_ROLLRATE_MAX 220

# Pitch
param set-default MC_PITCH_P 6.5
param set-default MC_PITCHRATE_P 0.0660
param set-default MC_PITCHRATE_I 0.0860
param set-default MC_PITCHRATE_D 0.0014
param set-default MC_PITCHRATE_MAX 220

# Yaw
param set-default MC_YAW_P 6.5
param set-default MC_YAWRATE_P 0.07
param set-default MC_YAWRATE_I 0.06
param set-default MC_YAWRATE_D 0
param set-default MC_YAWRATE_FF 0
param set-default MC_YAWRATE_MAX 200

# Multirotor Position Gains
param set-default MPC_ACC_HOR 8
param set-default MPC_THR_MIN 0.06
param set-default MPC_THR_HOVER 0.3
# altitude control gains
param set-default MPC_Z_P 1
param set-default MPC_Z_VEL_P_ACC 4
param set-default MPC_Z_VEL_I_ACC 0.4
# position control gains
param set-default MPC_XY_P 0.9500
param set-default MPC_XY_VEL_P_ACC 1.8
param set-default MPC_XY_VEL_I_ACC 0.4
param set-default MPC_XY_VEL_D_ACC 0.2
# etc gains
param set-default MPC_TKO_RAMP_T 0.0
param set-default MPC_TKO_SPEED 1.5
param set-default MPC_VEL_MANUAL 5

# fusion: flow + vis pos + vis yaw
param set-default EKF2_AID_MASK 26
param set-default EKF2_OF_DELAY 0
param set-default EKF2_OF_QMIN 10
param set-default EKF2_OF_N_MIN 0.05
param set-default EKF2_OF_N_MAX 0.2

# optical flow offset
param set-default EKF2_OF_POS_X 0.12
param set-default EKF2_OF_POS_Y 0.0
param set-default EKF2_OF_POS_Z 0.0

# height est EKF2_HGT_MODE: 0 = baro, 1 = gps, 2 = range, 3 = vision
param set-default EKF2_HGT_MODE 2

# maximum fusion in (m) for the distance sensor (Aruco/April tag)
param set-default EKF2_RNG_A_HMAX 4
param set-default EKF2_EVA_NOISE 0.1
param set-default EKF2_EVP_NOISE 0.1
param set-default EKF2_EV_DELAY 0

param set-default EKF2_RNG_POS_X 0.14
param set-default EKF2_RNG_POS_Y 0.0
param set-default EKF2_RNG_POS_Z 0.0

# ALT Mode: 0 alt following, 1 terrain following, 2 terrain hold
param set-default MPC_ALT_MODE 2

# # Optical Flow parameters
param set-default SENS_FLOW_ROT 0
param set-default SENS_FLOW_MINHGT 0.0
param set-default SENS_FLOW_MAXHGT 4.0
param set-default SENS_FLOW_MAXR 10.0

# Minimum take off altitude
param set-default MIS_TAKEOFF_ALT 1

# LPE: Flow-only mode
# param set-default LPE_FUSION 242
# param set-default LPE_FAKE_ORIGIN 1

# param set-default LPE_FLW_SCALE 1.0
# param set-default LPE_FLW_R 0.2
# param set-default LPE_FLW_RR 0.0
# param set-default LPE_FLW_QMIN 10
# param set-default LPE_VIS_DELAY 0.0
# param set-default LPE_VIS_Z 0.1
# param set-default LPE_FUSION 86 # flow + vis + land detector + gyro comp

# Manual control parameters
# param set-default COM_RC_IN_MODE 3
param set-default RC2_TRIM 1000
param set-default COM_FLTMODE1 2
param set-default RC_MAP_ROLL 1
param set-default RC_MAP_THROTTLE 2
param set-default RC_MAP_PITCH 3
param set-default RC_MAP_YAW 4
param set-default RC_MAP_FLTMODE 5
param set-default RC_CHAN_CNT 8

# Failsafe

# Low Battery Failsafe: return at critical and land at emergency
param set-default COM_LOW_BAT_ACT 3
param set-default BAT_LOW_THR 0.15
param set-default BAT_CRIT_THR 0.07
param set-default BAT_EMERGEN_THR 0.05

# RC Loss Failsafe: hold when RC loss, disable failsafe when offboard mode
param set-default COM_RC_LOSS_T 0.5
param set-default COM_FAIL_ACT_T 5.0
param set-default NAV_RCL_ACT 1
param set-default COM_RCL_EXCEPT 4

# Data Link Loss Failsafe: disabled
param set-default COM_DL_LOSS_T 0 
param set-default NAV_DLL_ACT 10

# Geofence Failsafe: hold mode, GPS altitude calculated
param set-default GF_ACTION 2
param set-default GF_MAX_HOR_DIST 0
param set-default GF_MAX_VER_DIST 0
param set-default GF_ALTMODE 0
param set-default GF_COUNT -1
param set-default GF_PREDICT 0
param set-default GF_SOURCE 0
param set-default CBRK_FLIGHTTERM 121212

# Return Mode Settings: 2m return altitude
param set-default RTL_RETURN_ALT 45
param set-default RTL_DESCEND_ALT 2
param set-default RTL_LAND_DELAY 0.0

# Land Mode Settings
param set-default COM_DISARM_LAND 2.0
param set-default MPC_LAND_SPEED 0.7

# Position (GPS) Loss Failsafe: Altitude/Manual
param set-default COM_POS_FS_DELAY 1
param set-default COM_POSCTL_NAVL 0
param set-default FW_GPSF_LT 30
param set-default FW_GPSF_R 15

# Offboard Loss Failsafe: Position mode
param set-default COM_OF_LOSS_T 1.0
param set-default COM_OBL_RC_ACT 0

# Traffic Avoidance Failsafe: warn only
param set-default NAV_TRAFF_AVOID 1

# Quad-chute Failsafe: hold mode
param set-default COM_QC_ACT 2
param set-default VT_FW_QC_HMAX 0
param set-default VT_QC_ALT_LOSS 0
param set-default VT_QC_T_ALT_LOSS 20.0
param set-default VT_FW_MIN_ALT 0
param set-default VT_FW_QC_R 0
param set-default VT_FW_QC_P 0

# Failure Detector: disable
param set-default CBRK_FLIGHTTERM 121212

# Attitude Trigger: disable
param set-default CBRK_FLIGHTTERM 121212
param set-default FD_FAIL_P 60
param set-default FD_FAIL_R 60
param set-default FD_FAIL_P_TTRI 0.3
param set-default FD_FAIL_R_TTRI 0.3

# Set to Quadrotor
set MAV_TYPE 2

set MIXER quad_x

Self check

The RPi image contains a tool for automatic checking the correctness of all the settings and subsystems of the drone –

It is generally a good idea to perform this check before flight, especially before an autonomous one.

In order to run it, enter the following command in the Raspberry Pi console:

rosrun px4_air

Description of some checks:

FCU – checks for proper connection with the flight controller;
IMU – checks whether the data from from IMU is sane;
Local position – checks presence of local position data;
Velocity estimation – checks whether drone velocity estimation is sane(autonomous flight is not to be performed if this check fails!);
Global position (GPS) — checks for presence of global position data (GPS module is required for this check);
Camera — checks for proper operation of the Raspberry camera.
ArUco — checks whether ArUco detection is working
VPE — checks whether VPE data is published.
Rangefinder — checks whether rangefinder data is published.
RPi health – checks the onboard computer status.
CPU usage – checks the CPU load of the onboard computer.

Check the MAVROS state:

rostopic echo -n 1 /dignostics

The heardbeat should be 1HZ The voltage should be show up "normal"

Run the RVIZ:

The rviz tool allows real-time visualization of all components of the robotic system —the system of coordinates, moving parts, sensors, camera images — on the 3D stag

In the terminal where drone Ubuntu's Running excecute this line:

export ROS_IP=

Open your desktop Ubuntu so we can be able to open rviz and type this scripts:

rviz # or rqt

Camera calibration

Camera calibration can significantly improve the quality of nodes related to computer vision: ArUco markers detection and optical flow.

See the tutorial for more informations:

rosdep install camera_calibration
rosrun camera_calibration --size 8x6 --square 0.108 image:=/camera/image_raw camera:=/camera

Software autorun


Note In the image version 0.20 clever package and service was renamed to clover. See previous version of the article for older images.


Main documentation:

All automatically started Clover software is launched as a clover.service systemd service.

The service may be restarted by the systemctl command:

sudo systemctl restart clover

Text output of the software can be viewed using the journalctl command:

journalctl -u clover

To run Clover software directly in the current console session, you can use the roslaunch command:

sudo systemctl restart clover
roslaunch clover clover.launch

You can disable Clover software autolaunch using the disable command:

sudo systemctl disable clover


Main documentation:

The list of nodes / programs declared for running is specified in file /home/pi/catkin_ws/src/clover/clover/launch/clover.launch.

You can add your own node to the list of automatically launched ones. To do this, place your executable file (e.g. into folder /home/pi/catkin_ws/src/clover/clover/src. Then add the start of your node to clover.launch, for example:

<node name="my_program" pkg="clover" type="" output="screen"/>

The started file must have permission to run:

chmod +x

When scripting languages are used, a shebang should be placed at the beginning of the file, for example:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

How to use

To ensure that the package is connected and working properly, it is recommended to run the launch file first. There are some useful tools available for debugging purposes such as rqt_graph, rostopic echo, and rviz.

Here are the steps to use the package:

1. Launch the mavros node using the following commands:

roslaunch px4_air 0main_camera.launch
roslaunch px4_air 0mavros.launch

2. Launch the drone setup using the following command:

roslaunch px4_air 1setup.launch

3. Launch the control missions using the following commands:

roslaunch px4_air 2mission_ManualOffb.launch
roslaunch px4_air 3mission_QGCaruco.launch
roslaunch px4_air 4mission_SingleOffb.launch
roslaunch px4_air 5mission_SingleOffb_Avoid.launch
roslaunch px4_air 6mission_FollowMe.launch

4. Swarms

This project need to use WiFi hotspot for drone collaboration. Make sure that network is properly setup:



PX4 launch command

roslaunch mavros px4.launch

PX4 launch file (default fcu_url worked fine for Pi 4 running Ubuntu server)

If using the USB connector on Pi 4 you can use the default fcu_url

<arg name="fcu_url" default="/dev/ttyACM0:57600" />

If using the telemetry 2 port on Pixhawk you need this.

<arg name="fcu_url" default="/dev/ttyS0:921600" />

For using the telemetry 2 port you need the following params as specified at the bottom of this page:

Note If you want to override the fcu_url value in the launch file you can do:

roslaunch mavros px4.launch fcu_url:=/dev/ttyS0:921600

Broadcast to QGroundControl running on another computer on same network

<arg name="gcs_url" default="udp://:[email protected]:14550" />

Change ROS_MASTER_URI to connect to ROS master on another computer (on the same network)


Check if your camera is recognized and working

Run this command to check if your camera is recognized by the system:

ls -l /dev/video*

Camera is assigned as /dev/video0 by default. If it is absent in the list you get in terminal after running previous command you need to follow next steps:

  1. Open config.txt for editing:
sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt
  1. Add the following line:

Hit Ctrl+O to save, then Ctrl+X to exit. 3. Reboot your system. 4. Update your system to install the necessary drivers:

sudo apt update

It may take a few minutes. After its all done you can use rqt or rviz to visualize your camera topic.

Sample change flight mode

rosrun mavros mavsys mode -b 80 # stablize disarmed
rosrun mavros mavsys mode -b 64 # manual disarmed

Get diagnostics

rostopic echo /diagnostics

Get status

rostopic echo /mavros/state

Get/set airframe type 0=generic micro air vehicle, 2=quadrotor

rosrun mavros mavparam get MAV_TYPE
rosrun mavros mavparam set MAV_TYPE 2

Dump params to a text file

rosrun mavros mavparam dump params.txt


rosrun mavros mavsafety arm

Takeoff from current position (work in progress)

rosrun mavros mavcmd takeoffcur 0 0 0

rosrun mavros mavcmd local_takeoff <yaw> <z>


rosrun mavros mavcmd local_land <x> <y> <yaw> <z>