This lib is intended to allow you to write an APNs provider for Apple Push Notificaion services (APNs) in Erlang.
Copyright (c) 2010 Inaka Labs SRL [email protected], released under the MIT license
Using apns4erl is quite simple. First, setup something similar to this in your sys.config:
{apns, [
{apple_host, ""},
{apple_port, 2195},
{cert_file, "/etc/certs/mycert_dev.pem"},
{key_file, undefined},
{cert_password, undefined},
{timeout, 30000},
{feedback_port, 2196},
{feedback_host, ""},
{feedback_timeout, 18000000}
NOTE: The apple_host to use will depend on your environment (production or development). Remember to always use the correct certificate, device tokens, and apns hostname for production or development environments.
NOTE 2: To generate the .pem file, from the .cer an .p12 files provided by Apple, you can use this script
Then, once you've started the apns application, you can connect to the APNS network using:
my_connection_name, % you connection identifier
fun handle_apns_error/2, % called in case of a "hard" error
fun handle_apns_delete_subscription/1 % called if the device uninstalled the application
As a result, you will get a tuple:
{ok, Pid}
{error, {already_started, Pid}}
{error, Reason}
Pid is the Pid of the apns_connection process spawned to handle the connection.
apns:send_message(my_connection_name, "this_is_a_valid_device_token", "hello world").
That's it!
Actually, send_message/3, send_message/4, send_message/5, send_message/6, send_message/7, and send_message/8 are calling send_message/2, which takes a #apns_msg record as its 2nd argument. Thus, you can also create the message customized with your own needs, by using a #apns_msg record:
apns:send_message(my_connection_name, #apns_msg{
alert = "alert" ,
badge = 1,
sound = "sound" ,
expiry = 1348000749,
device_token = "this_is_a_valid_device_token"
Notice how we are passing 2 funs to the connect function. These are used as callbacks:
If there was an error while sending a message, the first fun will be called.
If there were no errors, but Apple reported that the user removed the application from the device, the 2nd fun will be used (this is effectively the feedback channel).
handle_apns_error(MsgId, Status) ->
error_logger:error_msg("error: ~p - ~p~n", [MsgId, Status]).
handle_apns_delete_subscription(Data) ->
error_logger:info_msg("delete subscription: ~p~n", [Data]).