Releases: TTE-DevTeam/Movecraft
Releases · TTE-DevTeam/Movecraft
Full Changelog: MC1.21.4-8.4.0-TTE...MC1.21.x-8.4.1-TTE
- Fixed #25
- Apply modifiers onto the correct base speed
- Support namespaced IDs along with Bukkit material entries too
- Fix speed modifiers
- Add max speed cap for modifier speed
Full Changelog: MC1.21.x-8.3.4-TTE...MC1.21.4-8.4.0-TTE
- Added crafttype property sinkWhenOutOfFuel
- Added speedModifierBlocks
Example for speedModifierBlocks:
# The numeric value represents the modifier that is applied onto the base cruise speed if the craft was 100% made out of that block
# If you set it to 100 for wool and the ship has a size of 200 and has 50 wool blocks, it would add (50/200) * 100 = 25 to the base cruise speed
"minecraft:obsidian": -42.0
"#minecraft:wool": 21.0
- Fixed #24
- Fixed minor version support loading
- Added back support for 1.21.1
- Fixed sign text not updating correctly when moving
- Fixed sign text color not updating correctly when moving
- Potentially fixed banner patterns breaking on client side when moving
- Added fix for piston logic (piston retract event wasnt reacted to)
- Fixed StatusSigns not updating after pilot
- Fixed "initial speed" on skiffs by directly queuing the speed calculation on craft creation
- Fixed "ignore contact" functionality not working at all
- Removed sinking crafts completely from contacts
- Fixed sinking stopping somewhere in between
Full Changelog: MC1.21.4-8.2.5-TTE...MC1.21.4-8.3.0-TTE
- Fixed trackedlocations referencing the wrong location
- Added new prettier sinking
- Crafts disintegrate and explode before / during falling down (configurable!)
- Cooldown before a craft starts to really sink
- Crafts fall through void now when sinking
- Add display names for contsraints (no use yet!)
- Release crafts of logged out players after a timer
- Allow disabling the release completely
- Remove audience from sinking crafts => not needed
- Fix tracked locations
- Added contact ignoring
- Added contact ignore command
- Fixed self-direction contact
- Transfer tracked locations to subcrafts and back to parents on release (necessary for moving subcrafts like squadrons)
What's Changed
- Remove hard dependency on player by @DerToaster98 in #20
- Reowrked contacts
- Fixed infinite loop in TranslationTask
- 1.21.4 support
Full Changelog: MC1.21.x-8.1.1-TTE...MC1.21.4-8.2.0-TTE
- small fixes and patches
- expand ContactProviderAPI to also interfere with contacts sign
- Allow sign refreshing with right click on contacts sign
- fix ignoring successful add to PILOTING list
- add overload of detect method
- allow cruise climbing
- make manoverboard event cancellable
- add cooldown to manoverboard to stop abuse of it
- move-break-blocks (untested!)
- increase list of fallthrough blocks (TODO: Move to datapack!)
- fix color format of Status sign
- add option to ignore limits for sinking or disabling
- Contacts tell less now (removed exact mass, ship class if no name set, pilot)
- Contacts get more accurate (up to 16 directions) the closer it is
- Add simple API to provide custom contact formats for stuff like squadrons