Barsystem build in Meteor and NodeJS
- nurdbar-server
- MongoDB
- nurdbar-cli
Dependencies: meteor, mongodb
note: you could also deploy your meteor app as a nodejs app. In that case you would not need meteor, but nodejs and npm. You could also make use of meteors build in mongodb and skip the mongodb install, but running mongo externaly is recommended :P
git clone
cd nurdbar/nurdbar-meteor
cp settings.json.example settings.json
Edit settings.json
"server": "",
"channels": [
"nickname": "nurbarbot",
"realname": "nurbarbot"
Start the server
- option 1, using meteors build-in mongodb
# run this once to install npm packages
meteor npm i
# Run this to install babel
meteor npm install --save @babel/runtime
# to start the server
meteor --settings settings.json
- option 2, using your own mongodb
export MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/myapp; meteor --settings settings.json
Dependencies: nodejs, npm
git clone
cd nurdbar/nurdbar-cli
npm install
cp settings.json.example settings.json
Edit settings.json
and set your scanner serialport and server ip
"serialport": "/dev/ttySCAN",
"server": ""
Start the bar
node main.js