- Tandy Suo Tan
I have been using JavaScript for years, and started using Vue.js recently. However, I haven't done a thurough study on the ES6 basics. Here it begins. This repo includes the lecture notes taken for the Udacity courses: ES6 - JavaScript Improved and Object-Oriented JavaScript, plus a few real world applicaitons.
- Let and Const
- Template Laterals
- Destructuring
- Object Literal Shorthand
- Iteration - For Loops
- Spread Operator
- Reset Parameter
- Arrow Functions
- Using Arrow Functions
- "this" and Regular Functions
- "this" and Arrow Functions
- Default Function Parameters
- Defaults and Destructuring
- Javascript Classes
- Super and Extends
- Symbols
- Iteration & Iterable Protocols
- Sets
- Working with Sets
- WeakSets
- Maps
- Working with Maps
- WeakMaps
- Promises
- More on Promises
- Proxies
- Generators
- Sending Data into/out of a Generator
- Basics on OOP in JavaScript
- Lexical Scopes
- Closures
- Step-by-Step Explanations on Closure in Action
- Prototype Chains
- Decorator Pattern
- Prototypal Classes
- Ways to Define a JavaScript Class
- Pseudoclassical Patterns
- Superclass and Subclass