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Jonathan Creasman edited this page Nov 1, 2015 · 5 revisions

##Iteration 1: ###Overview: Work out core game mechanics. Serving assets ###Front End: Tank (rectangle) with drill in box. Box has perimeters, tank can’t leave box. Push up to move the direction of the drill Push right or left to rotate the side the drill is on Push down to move the direction opposite the dril. WBN: Walls in box, tank can’t drive through walls. ###Back End: Research websockets. Figure out how to get 2 players in one game. (NOT DOING, JUST LEARNING) Serve maps ##Iteration 2: -MVP ###Overview: Physics NPC implementation multiplayer implementation. Player Pipeline ###Front End: Collision logic. Obstacles Targets WBN: Addition of second tank player ###Back End: Actually do websockets. Keep track of users Put users into the game Pull users out of the game. ##Iteration 3: -Preferred product. ###Overview: Working multiplayer ###Front End: Player opt in/out Two Tank players implemented Scoring Points for killing tanks Points for bonus objectives.(targets) WBN: radial movement. WBN: Smooth exit from game. Countdown Music tone WBN: Music WBN: Bullets WBN: 4 player multiplayer. WBSN: Sound effects. WBN: 3d models. ###Back End: Feed Users into game Extract Users out of game.

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