After a year of using random websites to calculate the grades I need to pass my courses, I realized having one place with all this information would be much more helpful. Tidey is a course organization website that calculates and saves your grades, course information, and important files all in one place.
- Grade calculator (for any non-registered user)
- Course dashboard displayed in carousel
- Users can add, edit, or delete courses to their dashboard
- Each course has its own grade calculator which saves any input changes
- Ability to upload and label files (i.e. syllabi, rubrics, etc.)
- Sign up/login pages
- Used React.js for building the UI, including animation on homescreen, modals, and course card layouts.
- Google Firebase for account management, specifically:
- Firestore Database for storing all course info
- Authentication for storing user emails + validating upon sign in/sign up
- Storage for holding the users' course-related files