Welcome to the Intro to Linux/Bash Commands session! This repository contains the core commands covered in our session to help you get started with navigating, managing files, and using basic utilities in the Linux terminal.
- Getting Started with the Terminal
- Basic Commands
- Basic Navigation Commands
- File and Directory Management
- Viewing and Manipulating Files
- System and User Information
- Networking Basics
- Additional Resources
Whether you’re on Linux, macOS, or Windows (with WSL), open the terminal to start using these commands!
Command | Description | Example |
date |
Shows the current date and time | date |
cal |
Displays the calender for the current month | cal |
groups |
Lists the groups that the current user belongs | groups |
file |
Determines and shows the file | file myfile.txt |
man |
Opens the manual page for a specific command | man ls |
which |
Displays the full path of the command’s executable | which python |
whatis |
Provides a brief description of a command | whatis grep |
apropos |
Searches for commands related to a specific keyword | apropos network |
Command | Description | Example |
pwd |
Print working directory (current location) | pwd |
ls |
List files and directories | ls -l |
cd <directory> |
Change directory | cd Documents |
Command | Description | Example |
mkdir <directory_name> |
Create a new directory | mkdir new_folder |
touch <file_name> |
Create a new, empty file | touch myfile.txt |
rm <file_name> |
Remove (delete) a file | rm oldfile.txt |
rmdir <directory_name> |
Remove an empty directory | rmdir empty_folder |
cp <source> <destination> |
Copies files or directories | cp myfile.txt backupfile.txt |
mv <source> <destination> |
Moves or renames files. | mv myfile.txt newfile.txt |
rm <file_name> |
Deletes a file | rm myfile.txt |
Command | Description | Example |
cat <file_name> |
Display file contents | cat myfile.txt |
head <file_name> |
Show the first 10 lines of a file | head myfile.txt |
tail <file_name> |
Show the last 10 lines of a file | tail myfile.txt |
wc <file_name> |
Counts the number of lines, words and characters in a file | wc myfile.txt |
less <file_name> |
View file content with scrolling (press q to exit) |
less myfile.txt |
echo "<text>" > <file_name> |
Write text to a file | echo "Hello" > hello.txt |
Command | Description | Example |
df -h |
Show disk space usage in a human-readable format | df -h |
whoami |
Shows the username of the current user | whoami |
free -h |
Display memory (RAM) usage | free -h |
who |
Lists all users currently logged in | who |
uname -r |
Shows the kernel version of the OS | uname -r |
top |
Displays running system processes in real-time | top |
Command | Description | Example |
ping <hostname> |
Check network connectivity | ping google.com |
ifconfig |
Display network configuration (may require sudo ) |
ifconfig |
netstat |
Show network connections and listening ports | netstat |
nslookup <domain> |
Find the IP address of a domain | nslookup google.com |
traceroute <hostname> |
Track the route packets take to reach a host | traceroute google.com |
For more in-depth learning:
Feel free to explore and experiment with these commands to build your Linux confidence. Happy coding!