- TKG v1.5.1 or greater cluster
First, install cert-manager.
tanzu package install cert-manager -p cert-manager.tanzu.vmware.com -v 1.5.3+vmware.2-tkg.1
Next, create a namespace to hold the installs for this package:
kubectl create ns waas-install
Create a service account for the app definition to use:
kubectl apply -f setup/rbac/service-account.yaml
Copy setup/values-example.yaml to values.yaml, and edit for your install. Then apply it to the cluster.
kubectl create secret generic waas-install-values -n waas-install --from-file=values.yaml
Apply the App definition for kapp-controller to reconcile for us.
kubectl apply -f setup/waas-install.yaml
Apply changes to your cluster.
kubectl create secret generic waas-install-values -n waas-install --from-file=values.yaml --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f-