You have 2 dicts,
core_dict = {
"age": 10,
"name": "John",
"fruits": ["apple", "banana", "orange"],
"pre_class": 1,
"happy": False
impl_dict = {
"name": "$$",
"age": "$$",
"favourite_fruit": "$! $fruits$[0] + '_and_' + $fruits$[1]",
"class": "$! ($pre_class$ + 1) * 2",
"happy": "$! !$$"
and you want to get a full dict, using both the data of core
and the shape of impl
ArgImpl can help you with it. After running ArgImpl.load_core/impl_dict(),
from argimpl import ArgImpl
impl = ArgImpl()
impl.parse() # if not here, it will parse when use .full_dict or .full_commad()
you can get the result such as
impl.full_dict == {
"name": "John",
"age": 10,
"favourite_fruit": "apple_and_banana",
"class": 4,
"happy": True
impl.full_command(show_true_false=True) == \
"--name=John --age=10 --favourite_fruit=apple_and_banana --class=4 --happy=true"
impl.full_command(start="echo") == \
"echo --name=John --age=10 --favourite_fruit=apple_and_banana --class=4 --happy"
Very nice, right?
Refer to doc
in template_impl.json
to see more about how to write the impl