A Rust PoC implementation of the Early Bird process hollowing technique, inspired by @boku7/HOLLOW. This version reimplements the core functionality in Rust while maintaining direct Windows API interactions through the winapi
This library provides process hollowing capabilities using the Early Bird injection technique, implemented in Rust. It:
- Creates a new process in a suspended state
- Allocates memory in the target process
- Injects shellcode into the allocated memory
- Queues an APC to execute the shellcode
- Resumes the target process
This version does not use dynamic resolution of APIs or other OPSEC safe considerations. I'll push a more OPSEC safe version in the future on the 'opsec' branch. Usually about 1 month after initial repo release.
Add this to your Cargo.toml
hollow_rs = { git = "https://github.com/Teach2Breach/hollow_rs" }
use hollow_rs::wrapper;
wrapper("notepad.exe", &SHELL_CODE);