Releases: TeamChocoQuest/ChocolateQuestRepoured
Alpha 27.6
Another small patch build.
Fixed these things:
- Custom loottables
- Fixed default config installation
- Removed some unnecessary log
Alpha 27.5
This is a small bugfix build that contains some fixes we forgot yesterday (Alpha 27.4).
IMPORTANT For this to work you need to delete your entire CQR/dungeons/ folder (or just rename it to something different...) and the cqrepoured file. Reason is that the random castle config file was changed.
- Patch for vegetated caves not generating correctly (bugged or missing ceiling)
- Patch for the r-Castle support hill being made out of glass blocks
Alpha 27.4
This is a rather big bugfix build. It also contains some performance optimizations.
IMPORTANT For this to work you need to delete your entire CQR/dungeons/ folder (or just rename it to something different...) and the cqrepoured file. Reason is that the volcano config file was changed.
- Fixed custom loot chests
- Fixed dyable armor recipes
- Fixed bug #222
- Fixed all dungeons always spawning one block too low
- Completely overhauled the volcano generator
- Added description for thunder staff
- Added description for spiked glove
- Some patches to the giant tortoise AI
- Patched boss health regeneration
- Light update setting was removed. It is dependant on having phosphor installed now
- Many internal patches and improvements
- Added config option to toggle boss bars on or off, this affects every player on the server
- Moved the pre-calculation part of the dungeon generation to a separate thread, if you don't like it you can disable it
- Removed debug code of r-Casstles
Alpha 27.3
Even more patches
- Patches protected regions not destroying themselves after the boss is defeated
- Guns have bigger models now
- Shields of mobs now get disabled after blocking at least 16 damage points
- Shields are longer disabled after an axe attack
- Arrows from CQR entities fly 20% slower
- Reduced axe attack charge required to disable shields
- Updated spears and spearmen
- Improved Entity AI performance
- Improved entity navigator performance
Alpha 27.2
Patches a few things
- archer accuracy
- performance of perlin3d
- fixed generation of some things
- now support for metadata in config blocks! (e.g. you can now use "minecraft:wool:14" for the cover block, format: "namspace":"block":"meta, if the block has that")
- added option to toggle health scaling
- Implemented a proper way to avoid clipping in vanilla structures
Alpha 27.1
Removes unnecessary console spam
Alpha 27
This is a sole bugfix update
It patches these things:
- Broken default inhabitant system
- Broken rCastle stair generation
- Broken rCastle pool rooms
- Fixed loot table loading
- Now build towards forge 2854
- Fixed bosses still having 3 healing potions
- No sounds for weapons when mobs use them
- Fixed fire spreading in prot regions
- Added config option to disable protection system globally
- support for mobs throwing potions in their offhand
- Fixed home position of temporary bosses
- Hooks now may only pull entities that are smaller than the shooter (there is some tolerance however), if that is not the case, the shooter will be pulled to the entity
Alpha 26.1
Alpha 26.1
Tiny little bugfix build.
You need to change these things in CQR/dungeons/
set buildsupportplatform from false to true
set the two "minecraft:air" entries directly below to "minecraft:stone"
Fixed these things:
- Render bugs regarding the pirate captain's "turn-invisible" animation
- server crash fix regarding the fireball AI
- fixed strafing of mobs
- fixed path follow AI
- fixed ranged attack AI
- fixed playing hurt sound when mob is using a shield
- fixed missing support platform of volcano
Alpha 26
Alpha 26
IMPORTANT: This update is basically a complete rewrite of the way structures are placed and saved, so you NEED to DELETE your CQREPOURED FILE and your CQR FOLDER, otherwise it will break and not work!!
- reworked structure saving system, files are now much smaller
- added caching of files to get rid of file load times ingame
- structure generation is now way faster and causes way less lag
- added option to toggle speech bubbles (only affects the client)
- began work on a dungeon share platform, it will be a website where one can upload dungeon one made and others can download them, but not just that, but more on that when there is more progress
- dungeons have to be exported again (only affects you if you ever published dungeons you built)
- performance problems? -> adjust generationSpeed and/or generationLimit config option in cqrepoured.cfg -> advanced
- made dungeon inhabitant system more configurable, you may now define own inhabitants and you can also change the order of inhabitants when you set it to default, which causes the mob to be selected depending on the dungeon's spawn distance
- ranged entities are now able to strafe (configurable via config, default is false), however, some ranged bosses ignore this setting and will always strafe
- added two new prebuilt cave dungeons you may find underground
- added one new snow castle (actually one from chocolatin that never made it into the mod)
- changed the "no boss yet" placeholder to something better
- added shelob (atm it is missing 2 attacks)
- added ability to mobs: they may shoot fireballs if they have one in their offhand
- added texture for backpack
- added texture for gun staff
- soulbottles may now be used by dispensers- added a bow pulling animation
- updated damage/attack speed of daggers/great swords/spears (axes were better than great swords lol)
- added attack speed attribute to mobs (more attacks per second with swords than with axes)
- mobs in prebuilt dungeons will have 1 healing potion
- healing potions heal 50% instead of 20 HP
Alpha 25.1
IMPORTANT For this to work you need to delete your entire CQR folder (or just rename it to something different...) and the cqrepoured file
Tiny little hotfix build that patched these:
- we forgot to update some configs to a loot related change
- fixed game not starting
- pirate parrot now throws healing potions at undeads
- added advancements to pirate captain
- updated advancements to support pirate captain
- pirate captain should be immune to all potions now
- punching summoned allies no longer crashes the game