Releases: TeamChocoQuest/ChocolateQuestRepoured
Releases · TeamChocoQuest/ChocolateQuestRepoured
- Add Masonary Guild (tavern structure)
- Update ASMUtil (internal library) => Only compatible with ReachFix 1.1.0, RenderLib 1.4.0, EntityCulling 6.5.0, Nothirium 0.4.0-beta, ChocolateQuestRepoured 2.7.0B, RLTweaker 0.7.0
- Improve entity occlusion culling
- Apply multiplayer boss damage reduction after armor
- Increase magic bell effect duration from 10 to 30 seconds
- Lower magic bell sound volume
- Lower magic bell cooldown
- Print additional information when executing 'get protected region' command
Patches & Fixes:
- Fix two consecutive rooms being the same in spiral strongholds
- Fix magic bell effect highlight being too dark
- Fix spectral not affecting enderman, ender dragon and shulker
- Fix pathing target always being offset for big entities (also affects entities from vanilla/other mods)
- Fix incompatibility with LittleTiles (#412)
Beta 6.16
- Nothing
- Changed mob texture human_4 to best girl aqua
- Added some blocks to the default breakable block whitelist
- Ender calamity lightnings should no longer spawn at it
- Damage cap for ender calamity is now timed
Patches & Fixes:
- Fixed choppy mandril tail animation
- Fixed some sounds of ender calamity related things
- Fixed "spawn only behind wall" option for dungeons
Beta 6.15
Beta 6.14
- Fixed a bug that led to some config options related to lighting being ignored
- Improved performance for lighting dungeons
Beta 6.13
- Added ability to export structures for migration (to be used later)
- Added netherdragon island
- Tavernfolk now treat undead as enemy (issue #378)
Patches & Fixes:
Beta 6.12
- Added testing structure for loot chests
- Lightning protection no longer defines a chance, instead it blocks 10% * enchantment-level of lightning damage
- Corrected the name of the ender calamity's loottable
- Certain attributes (health, size) of the ender king now carry over to the ender calamity
Patches & Fixes:
- Fixed #362 (hookshot travelling through portals)
- Fixed #364 (Broken chests in some castles)
- Fixed #365 (block placing near bosses ignoring whitelist)
- Fixed #366 (protection particles broken with optifine)
- Fixed deprecated structure file loading
- Fixed shelob not having her size scaling applied visually
Beta 6.11
Beta 6.10
- Arlo created a new outpost structure
- Changed internal check for entityculling
Patches & Fixes:
Beta 6.9
- Nothing, this is a patch update
- Structure edges should be smoother now
- Tweaked ender calamity a lot
- Added cooldown to special attacks
- Torch igniter AI only executes if the mob has a flint and steel now
- Mounting AI should be smarter now and doesn't auto-add saddles anymore and will re-mount mounts that were owned by a cqr entity previously
- Ender calamity tennis attack now always executes after 5 other tasks were executed
- Ender calamity minions may no longer heal themselves or teleport
Patches & Fixes:
- Fixed #344 (support hill generation)
- Fixed #342 (missing spawners in mountain snow castle)
- Fixed #341 (Xiraxis spawns as a dummy / boss blocks don't replace dummies)
- Fixed #345 (wrongly rotated armor stands in r-castles)
- Fixed out of bounds exceptions in plateaus
- Fixed auto-restocking of itself for trades
- Fixed ender calamity shield not scaling
- Fixed animation jittering when game is paused
- Fixed cqr entity data not being synced
- Fixed potions of ender calamity minions never dropping
- Corrected hurt time of ender calamity
Beta 6.8
- Teleport stone now spawns particles on the location it is set to
- Archers drop arrows now
- Updated geckolib dependency to 3.0.21
- Player summoned creatures drop equipped items now
- Force field nexus should break faster now
Patches & Fixes:
- Xiraxis is now the boss of the mansion castle
- Fixed #334 (shelob spawning in stone in the redstone castle)
- Fixed boss position in markins castle
- Enemies in markins castle should always be skeletons and markin
- Fixed broken chestname in outpost
- Arena castle now uses CQR tnt
- Fixed #336 (spiked gloves regaining durability)
- Fixed vanilla spawner settings being ignored
- Fixed laser position on exterminator being incorrect
- Fixed volcano stronghold generating without a boss
- Fixed number text field usability
- Fixed gremlins being too wide
- Fixed entities that can't open doors not using opened doors
- Fixed CTS not syncing in lan play
- Fixed #337 (Spear Enemies Have Infinite Vertical Range)