Task Manager app with modern features.
- AI Generated tasks
- Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Mention-driven task assignments via @ or #
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Lists and labels
- Speech Recognition
- Subtasks
- Drag and drop
- Reccuring tasks
- Filtering tasks
- Multiple views
- Dark and light mode
- Layout customization
- Native drawers for smaller devices
- Loading skeleton states for everything
- Docs page
- Pure CSS animations and fade in animations
- Interactive preview components
- Just overall sleek and modern designed
- .NET Web API
- C# and Typescript
- Next.js14
- TailwindCSS
- Vercel
- PostgreSQL
- Prisma
- Zustand (state management)
- SWR (stale-while-revalidate strategy)
- zod
- react-speech-recognition
- reusable components
- dnd-kit (drag and drop)
- openai API (AI)
- date-fns