This demo will predict user's favourite Music & Will Buy inusrance or not by the age. Also it will show user's diet for the full day by hight, weight and age.
├── prediction_master # Music & Insurance csv file generation, model creation and model use functions
├── music # Music prediction master
├── csv_create # Generate music training data
├── model_create # Model creation with trained data
├── test_prediction # Function for predict user's favourite music as per the age
├── model # Trained model
├── music.csv # Training data CSV
├── insurance # Insurance prediction master
├── csv_create # Generate insurance training data
├── model_create # Model creation with trained data
├── test_prediction # Function for predict user's favourite insurance as per the age
├── model # Trained model
├── insurance.csv # Training data CSV
├── prediction_setup # Generated trained CSV and model for Music & Insurance
├── app # Python application
pip install random Used for get random data from the list, range .... etc
Used for generate CSV files with random data
pip install pandas Used for read CSV files
pip install scikit-learn Used for train model and make it for predict
pip install joblib Used for create joblib file of the model for use directly
pip install flask Framework used for frontend part
pip install openai Used for get AI result of requested prompt
In the project directory, you can run:
Prepare trained Music & Insurance model
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:5000 to view it in your browser