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Releases: Temasys/SkylinkSDK-iOS-Sample


12 Mar 02:43
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Changes of SettingsViewController

  • Add encryption secret fields for the new text message encryption feature, users can set their encryption ids and secrets, they are saved in a dictionary
  • Add UI for selecting app key & secret from all the available keys, avoid having to rebuild the app when changing app key

Change of HomeViewController

  • Add UI for setting the default room name for all the room types
  • Change the room titles as “Video” → “One to one Media”, “Data Transfer” → “Data Streaming”, “Multi Videos” → “Multiparty”

Changes to messaging functionality

  • Add a new feature to store all the public server messages on the server, private messages, both public and private P2P messages won't be stored
  • When entering the chat room, all the stored messages(if there are any) will be retrieved and displayed on the UI
  • Add new error alerts for all the errors from message encryption and get stored messages features, generally when there is any error raised in the SDK, the SDK will throw an error map to the sample app, sample app will prompt the error to users
  • Add a new text field, the encrypt secret id, when user clicks the text field, a picker view will be prompted from the bottom of the controller, which provides all the available secrets, user then can choose the encryption secret by the given secret id, if they don't choose any secret id, then there will be no encryption for the public server messages
  • Add a new switch for users if they want to send persistent messages(stores public server the messages on our server), in order to send the persistent messages, user has to provide the secret, keep the switch on, and send public server messages
  • Fix a bug in the message view controller that when clicking a message cell, the message is sent to the local peer


18 Dec 04:18
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General changes for all controllers

  • Room connection callback is split into two, one succeed one failed
  • All local media should be started manually by the user, SDK doesn't start any media when connecting to room anymore, the media can be created by a combination of media device, meta data, custom video capturer and capture session preset and a standard view controller
  • All media can be changed(media state) and destroyed freely
  • User can set a meta data when creating a new local media, like a user name
  • User can specify many new configurations when creating a SkylinkConnection instance
    • Choose the default video camera device, whether it's front or back
    • Set default audio codec using ISAC or OPUS
    • Choose default video codec using VP8 or H264
    • Specify the room size
    • Set the video audio send and receive options by a single enum
    • Add SkylinkAction which can represent a customed action
    • Choose the default transport, UDP or TCP
    • Able to get/set the max peers in audio/video/non-media rooms
    • Add P2P message switch
    • Able to enable/disable the multi-track creating
    • Able to set some values directly in the config, like enable/disable STUN, TURN, HOST, IPv6, DNS, mirror front camera view, captureSessionPreset
    • Able to set default camera fps
    • A new switch to enable/disable the automatic video resolution change report
    • Able to allow the ICE restart
    • Able to get/set the time out for a SkylinkAction
    • User can get the user name from the server
    • User can get local media as well as remote medias by media id and/or media type and remote peer id
    • Able to get the current capture format and all supported capture formats
    • Able to get the current video device and all available video devices
    • Able to get the current camera name and all system camera names
    • Set/get local input video resolution by local media id
    • Get sent/received video resolution by media id and remote peer id
    • Get sent/received full WebRTC stats by media id and remote peer id
    • Get sent/received transfer speed by media id and remote peer id
    • Split accept incoming file transfer into accept file transfer and reject file transfer
    • Add an option to enable ICE restart when refreshing the connection
    • When a SkylinkInfo is changed, a delegate will be triggered
    • When a local media and remote media is created/changed/destroyed, delegate methods for local peer and remote peers will be triggered
    • If receives an error from SDK, a delegate method will be triggered
    • Add a new delegate method when peer connection is open
    • Add a new delegate method if there is an error with a remote peer
    • Add a star rate alert after closing a controller(can be disabled)

Changes to audio call functionality

  • User has to start local audio at some point, this can be before or after joining a room
  • User has to set the AudioVideoConfig to receive and send audio only

Changes to 1-1 video call functionality

  • Add UI to create/remove/change local media, and the implementations
  • Add UI for start/stop recording, and the implementations
  • Add UI for connecting/disconnecting to/from a room
  • User has to start local video(camera or screen) and audio at some point
  • User has to set the AudioVideoConfig to receive and send audio and video

Changes to multi-party video call functionality

  • Add the UI of start/stop recording and the implementations
  • Add the UI of restart with peer(s) and the implementations
  • Add UI and logic of changes to local media
  • User has to start local video(camera or screen) and audio at some point
  • User has to set the AudioVideoConfig to receive and send audio and video

Changes to messaging functionality

  • User has to set the AudioVideoConfig to receive and send no video no audio
  • Requires to set the enable P2P messaging configuration to true

Changes to file transfer functionality

  • User has to set the AudioVideoConfig to receive and send no video no audio
  • Requires to set the enable file transfer to true
  • Once the file transfer finishes, the user now can get a file saved path, which is a file local URL string in the /tmp folder in the sandbox, they can copy/move it out to anywhere they want

Changes to data transfer functionality

  • User has to set the AudioVideoConfig to receive and send no video no audio
  • Requires to set the enable data transfer to true

Objective C Sample Application

In the 1-1 video call:

  • No UI for opening local files
  • No UI for getting and setting resolutions

SkylinkSDK for iOS 1.0.5 - Sample Application

15 Jun 08:35
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