- Fake products can be widely found in the market
- Untransparent supply chain
- Unable to prove the origin of the product
- Unable to trust proof and certificates from other countries
- USE CASE => brand traceability and anti-counterfeiting
- Outside of brand name => we can adapt the same system into a food and pharmaceutical provenance to avoid fake or uncertified items
- When brand names are imported, the originality can be hard to track.
- Central authorities in a specific country might not be trusted by parties outside of the country.
- For instance, if you buy a Louis Vuitton bag from Paris, the bag will probably cost a fortune. This implies that customers will be more comfortable if they are provided with provenance from LV itself and these origin proof’s integrity should remain.
- Smart contract are globally trusted (if the system is fully open sourced and well-designed)
├── contract -> smart contracts
├── frontend -> frontend
├── migrations -> truffle migration folder
├── package.json -> dependencies
├── README.md
└── truffle-config.js -> truffle configuration file
Use the package manager npm to install dependencies in frontend.
- Dockerfile => npm install && docker build -t brandtrace-frontend . && docker run -p 3000:3000 brandtrace-frontend
- npm => npm install && npm start
- yarn => yarn install && yarn start
├── contract
├── frontend
| └── src
| └── abi
| └── abis
| └── addresses.js
| └── abi.js
└── truffle-config.js
- Remix IDE => Copy contract to remix, compile, copy the abi to frontend.
- Truffle
- Install truffle (https://www.trufflesuite.com/docs/truffle/getting-started/installation) and ganache-cli (https://docs.nethereum.com/en/latest/ethereum-and-clients/ganache-cli/).
- truffle compile
- ganache-cli
- truffle migrate
- copy abi inside build/Producer.json and build/ProductManager.json and both addresses to frontend