Pulls down all the SEC filings from EDGAR by filing type for a given time range.
- Open a command prompt
- Change to the directory where you downloaded the files
- Run
has 4 optional parameters
- formtype
- The SEC form type. Found in the master.idx 'Form Type' column.
- Defaults to 10-K
- Alias: f
- start
- The date to start the pull. Found in the master.idx 'Date Filed' column.
- Defaults to 1993/01/10.
- Alias: s
- end
- The date to end the pull. Found in the master.idx 'Date Filed' column.
- Defaults to today.
- Alias: e
- path
- The path to save files to.
- Defaults to %Desktop%/EDGAR
- Alias: p
ScrapeSecEdgar.exe -s 2017/08/05