Tool that allows you to use your keyboard on Pump It Up.
This fork uses a different approach of hooking the Keyboard inputs, making this compatible with Pump It Up Infinity while keeping compatibility with KPUMP games (tested with Prime 2).
Shoutouts to all members of KRT - Konmairo Rhythm Team
Download the pre-compiled binary or compile it, then add it to LD_PRELOAD before executing Prime, Prime 2 or Infinity.
Esc to quit game, F1 for test, F2 for service, F3 for coin clear, F5 for player 1 coin, F6 for player 2 coin
Pad layout:
Q E 7 9
S 5
Z C 1 3
Pad 1 Pad 2
Requires an atleast C++11 compliant compiler.
To compile it yourself, run these commands:
sudo apt-get install git build-essential libx11-dev
git clone
cd piu-kb-hook
You'll now have a
file in the aforementioned directory.
I noticed that K-Pump games (Again, tested with Prime 2) doesn't like when Wine is installed and you have any mouse device conected, making the game segfault just before starting its attract mode, tried fixing this with no success, removing Wine solved the problem. Infinity is not affected by this issue, so I'm not motivated to fix it, if you REALLY need Wine installed, use this fork only with Infinity and just use the original code or other forks for K-Pump