This is Organization for the Pragmatic Squad, a group of Software Engineering Interns at Fawry who are working on a project to build a web application that simulates the Fawry system.
The project aims to provide a system that acts as a financial management solution for handling debit and credit transactions across accounts. It will utilize the Spring Boot framework, PostgreSQL for data storage, RabbitMQ as the queuing system, and Flyway for database migration, the system will be able to efficiently process transactions, provide a seamless communication layer, and deliver a user-friendly interface for administrators to manage accounts and view transaction histories.
The project is divided into 3 main modules:
Core: This module contains the core business logic of the project, it is responsible for processing transactions and handling the various operations that are required to be performed on accounts.
Gateway: This module contains the gateway logic of the project, it is responsible for handling the communication between the Postman calls for the gateway and the core module.
Web: This module contains the web interface of the project, it is responsible for providing a user-friendly interface for administrators to manage accounts and view transaction histories.