(without starti3, xfce4 chroot installed as primary chroot for sudo startxfce4, and without VPN):
Download menu.sh on chromebook in Downloadsfolder
1.In Chromebrowser press ctrl+alt+t for terminal.
2.Type "shell"+enter
3.Type "cp ~/Downloads/menu.sh ~/menu.sh"+enter
4.Type "chmod +x ~/menu.sh"+enter
5.Type "echo "bash ~/menu.sh" >> ~/.bashrc"+enter
6.Type "exit"+enter
Repeat 2
Select Exit
Type "vi ~/.bashrc"+enter
Go to line with bash ~/menu.sh"
Press "dd"
*Deleted the wrong line? Press Esc-key, Type ":q!"+enter, start vi again
Press Esc-key
Type ":wq"+enter
Type "exit"+enter
Thanks to original scriptauthor oToGamez for providing a bash-menu without dependencies like dialog and inspiring me to write dialog-based ChromeOS Stuff