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add finger-gun-laser AJ model file
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TheAfroOfDoom committed Dec 24, 2023
1 parent 31ce25c commit 069b5e8
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@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
"meta": {
"format": "animated_java/ajmodel",
"format_version": "0.4.6",
"uuid": "967dbae2-a1da-11ee-8c90-0242ac120002"
"animated_java": {
"settings": {
"project_namespace": "finger_gun_laser",
"project_resolution": [16, 16],
"target_minecraft_version": "1.20+",
"rig_item": "minecraft:white_dye",
"rig_item_model": "",
"rig_export_folder": "",
"texture_export_folder": "",
"enable_advanced_resource_pack_settings": false,
"resource_pack_mcmeta": "G:\\Coding\\omega-flowey-minecraft-remastered\\resourcepack\\pack.mcmeta",
"verbose": true,
"exporter": "animated_java:datapack_exporter"
"exporter_settings": {
"animated_java:datapack_exporter": {
"datapack_mcmeta": "G:\\Coding\\omega-flowey-minecraft-remastered\\datapacks\\omega-flowey\\pack.mcmeta",
"outdated_rig_warning": true,
"root_entity_nbt": "{}",
"include_variant_summon_functions": true,
"include_apply_variant_functions": true,
"include_uninstall_function": true,
"include_pause_all_animations_function": true,
"include_remove_rigs_function": true,
"include_remove_all_function": true,
"include_on_load_function_tags": true,
"include_on_tick_function_tags": true,
"include_on_summon_function_tags": true,
"include_on_remove_function_tags": true
"animated_java:json_exporter": {
"output_file": ""
"variants": [
"name": "default",
"textureMap": {},
"uuid": "216293ac-ba41-3ada-6f65-96eb22f315d7",
"boneConfig": {},
"default": true,
"affectedBonesIsAWhitelist": false,
"affectedBones": []
"resolution": {
"width": 16,
"height": 16
"elements": [
"name": "cube",
"box_uv": false,
"rescale": false,
"locked": false,
"render_order": "default",
"allow_mirror_modeling": true,
"from": [-0.25, 12, -501.1],
"to": [0.25, 12, 498.9],
"autouv": 0,
"color": 3,
"origin": [0, 11, 0],
"faces": {
"north": {
"uv": [0, 0, 0.5, 0],
"texture": 0
"east": {
"uv": [0, 0, 9.55, 0],
"texture": 0
"south": {
"uv": [0, 0, 0.5, 0],
"texture": 0
"west": {
"uv": [0, 0, 9.55, 0],
"texture": 0
"up": {
"uv": [0, 0, 9.55, 0.5],
"rotation": 90,
"texture": 0
"down": {
"uv": [0, 0, 9.55, 0.5],
"rotation": 270,
"texture": 0
"type": "cube",
"uuid": "9fc6dd09-99ef-9275-9d18-9c8e88af6eab"
"outliner": [
"name": "root",
"origin": [0, 11, 0],
"color": 0,
"nbt": "{ CustomName: '\"Finger-Guns Laser\"', Tags:[\"omega-flowey-remastered\",\"groupable\",\"hostile\",\"omega-flowey\",\"attack\",\"finger-guns\",\"finger-guns-laser\",\"finger-guns-laser-new\"], Rotation: [90.0f, 0.0f] }\n",
"uuid": "12b07b44-c52f-fffb-7cfa-cb571609acdb",
"export": true,
"mirror_uv": false,
"isOpen": true,
"locked": false,
"visibility": true,
"autouv": 0,
"children": ["9fc6dd09-99ef-9275-9d18-9c8e88af6eab"]
"textures": [
"path": "G:\\Coding\\omega-flowey-minecraft-remastered\\resourcepack\\assets\\animated_java\\textures\\item\\attacks\\finger-gun-laser.png",
"name": "finger-gun-laser.png",
"folder": "",
"namespace": "",
"id": "0",
"width": 1,
"height": 1,
"uv_width": 16,
"uv_height": 16,
"particle": false,
"layers_enabled": false,
"sync_to_project": "",
"render_mode": "default",
"render_sides": "auto",
"frame_time": 1,
"frame_order_type": "loop",
"frame_order": "",
"frame_interpolate": false,
"visible": true,
"internal": false,
"saved": true,
"uuid": "f5af35d5-3b6f-d0f1-08ce-40d942d8a3ea",
"relative_path": "../../../../../../../animated_java/textures/item/attacks/finger-gun-laser.png",
"mode": "bitmap"

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