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A simple roulette library

NPM package installation

npm install theblindhawk/roulette

alt text alt text

1.3 Version Updates

  1. you can now rotate the text at will!
  2. the default "click" sound not playing has been fixed
  3. custom arrow svg element has been tested


create an html div with id=roulette

<div class="my_class_name" id="roulette"></div>

import and set up the roulette using js

import { Roulette } from "@theblindhawk/roulette";

// the array with all the roulette options
const rolls = [0, 8, 3, 5, 50];
var roulette = new Roulette("roulette", rolls);
// tell the roulette to roll on said option


new Roulette(roulette_id, rolls, colors, width, height, shrink)
Value Type Default comment
roulette_id string required The id of the div element that will contain the roulette.
rolls array required The values of each section of the roulette.
colors array [] The colors of the sections of the roulette.
width, height numeric 310 the width and height of the roulette element
shrink numeric 20 Shrinks the size of the board in comparison to the overall

NB: if the number of colors is less than the rolls they will repeat.


customize the view:

Function Options Default
setSize() width, height, *shrink 310, 310, 20
setBorder() color, width #808C94, 10
setRollText() *before, *after '', ''
rotateText() rotation(int/string) 'circular-inner'
setTextFont() size, weight, color '16px', 1, '#black'

customize the sound

Variable Comment Default
audio_dir the directory of the "click" sound 'default'

NB: '/path/soundfile.wav' for custom file, 'default' for default sound, '' to remove sound

call actions

Function Comment
roll(value) rolls the roulette to an index with said value
rollByIndex(index) rolls the roulette to said index
rollRandom() rolls the roulette to a random index
rollProbabilities(probs) rolls the roulette using custom probabilities[]
draw() redraws the roulette (probably unnecessary)

public variables

Variable Type Comment
last_roll numeric the last value you rolled on
audio_dir string the directory of the "click" sound
onstart function runs before rolling the roulette
onstop function runs after rolling the roulette


Here is a fully set up roulette example

import { Roulette } from "@theblindhawk/roulette";

const rolls = [0, 8, 3, 5, 50];
const colors = ["#27296a", "#db5a52"];
// svg element width = 500x500, wheel drawing width = 460x460
var roulette = new Roulette("roulette", rolls, colors, 500, 500, 40);
roulette.audio_dir = 'sounds/my_click.wav";

roulette.onstop = function() { console.log(roulette.last_roll) }

Roll Probabilities

The probabilities[] array will accept an array the same lenght of the rolls[] containing integers.

const rolls = [0, 8, 3, 5, 50];
// 10% chance for 0/8/3 and 35% chance for 5/50
const probabilities = [10, 10, 10, 35, 35]
var roulette = new Roulette("roulette", rolls);


You can also shorten the syntax by directly handing the probabilities to the roll statement

// use previously passed probabilities

// directly hand probabilities when rolling

Any values, so long as they are an array of integers can be passed as probabilities.
The following examples will all have 3 choices with 25%/25%/50% probabilities.

// these will all result in the same probabilities
roulette.rollProbabilities([ 25, 25, 50 ]);
roulette.rollProbabilities([ 1, 1, 2 ]);
roulette.rollProbabilities([ 36, 36, 72 ]);

Edit Roll Text

For changing the font of the roulette you just need to change the css of the div containing it.

<div class="change_font_here" id="roulette"></div>

The Roulette will automatically display the values passed in the roll[].
But if you need to add some text before or after the rolls use the following.

const probabilities = ['first', 'second']
var roulette = new Roulette("roulette", rolls);

// roll 1: 'the first value'
// roll 2: 'the second value'
roulette.setRollText('the ', ' value');

If you wish to rotate the text somehow use the following.

// the text is"straight" on the right side
// the same but using an integer for it