The Card Room is a Cardano based NFT platform, a unique gallery of collectable NFT playing cards, individually minted on the Cardano blockchain. This codebase represents a collection of scripts we have created and found useful for minting NFTs on the Cardano blockchain.
- NFT art engine for creating metadata and layered images
- IPFS upload
- Vending machine
- payment processing
- NFT minting
These scripts assume that cardano-node, cardano-addresses, cardano-db-sync, and are installed and running on the system. Please see details of how to install and run these on the input-output-hk github account:
The scripts also require some environment variables to be set (click the link below for detailed installation instructions):
If you don't want to build from source, the installation instructions below show where to download pre-build binaries from.
Detailed Installation Instructions
Below is a list of commands used to create a 10k NFT drop from a set of image layers. It is an example run on testnet using nft/testnet/tn_project1 as an example. If starting from scratch, run the following commands to prepare everything for payment processing and minting.
Parameters used in this example are below It is expected that these will be modified as necessary for a new project.
- network=testnet
- wallet name = tn_project_mint
- policy name = tn_project_policy1
- project name = tn_project1
- Create a wallet: This wallet will be used to monitor incoming transactions. The data for this wallet (addresses, private keys, seed phrase, and others) are stored in several files in the wallet/testnet directory. It is of utmost importance to backup this data and keep it secure. If this data is lost, there is no way to recover it. It is your responsibility to understand the risks, backup the data, and keep it secure.
- ~/cardano/$ python3 -m tcr.nftmint --network=testnet --create-wallet=tn_project_mint
Log File: log/testnet/nftmint_20220515_105906.log
2022-05-15 10:59:06,941:INFO:testnet: TESTNET Payment Processor / NFT Minter
2022-05-15 10:59:06,941:INFO:testnet: Copyright 2021-2022 The Card Room
2022-05-15 10:59:06,941:INFO:testnet: Network: testnet
2022-05-15 10:59:07,281:INFO:testnet: Database Chain Metadata: 2019-07-24 20:20:16 / testnet
2022-05-15 10:59:07,281:INFO:testnet: Database Size: 16 GB
2022-05-15 10:59:07,281:INFO:testnet: Cardano Node Tip Slot: 58268308
2022-05-15 10:59:07,281:INFO:testnet: Database Latest Slot: 58268308
2022-05-15 10:59:07,281:INFO:testnet: Sync Progress: 99.99997377865925
2022-05-15 10:59:08,966:INFO:testnet: Successfully created new wallet: <tn_project_mint>
- Create a Policy ID: Next, create a policy id. The default is to lock in 12 months. Use the --months parameter to override the default and specify in how many months the policy will be locked. The policy also has sensitive data equal in importance to that of the wallet. These files are stored in policy/testnet It is your responsibility to understand the risks, backup the data, and keep it secure. The first example uses the default to lock the policy in 12 months.
- ~/cardano/$ python3 -m tcr.nftmint --network=testnet --wallet=tn_project_mint --create-policy=tn_project_policy1
Log File: log/testnet/nftmint_20220515_110933.log
2022-05-15 11:09:33,177:INFO:testnet: TESTNET Payment Processor / NFT Minter
2022-05-15 11:09:33,177:INFO:testnet: Copyright 2021-2022 The Card Room
2022-05-15 11:09:33,177:INFO:testnet: Network: testnet
2022-05-15 11:09:33,442:INFO:testnet: Database Chain Metadata: 2019-07-24 20:20:16 / testnet
2022-05-15 11:09:33,442:INFO:testnet: Database Size: 16 GB
2022-05-15 11:09:33,442:INFO:testnet: Cardano Node Tip Slot: 58268918
2022-05-15 11:09:33,442:INFO:testnet: Database Latest Slot: 58268918
2022-05-15 11:09:33,442:INFO:testnet: Sync Progress: 99.99995552731876
2022-05-15 11:09:33,683:INFO:testnet: Successfully created new policy:
tn_project_policy1 / 34036f8c11712465a661aa058a30d6ead6ca8cd630ab97aac3fb8674
2022-05-15 11:09:33,684:INFO:testnet: Expires at slot: 89804918
2022-05-15 11:09:33,684:INFO:testnet: Expires in: 12 months
Modify the default with --months to lock in 3 months:
- ~/cardano/$ python3 -m tcr.nftmint --network=testnet --wallet=tn_project_mint --create-policy=tn_project_policy2 --months=3
Log File: log/testnet/nftmint_20220515_111122.log
2022-05-15 11:11:22,608:INFO:testnet: TESTNET Payment Processor / NFT Minter
2022-05-15 11:11:22,608:INFO:testnet: Copyright 2021-2022 The Card Room
2022-05-15 11:11:22,608:INFO:testnet: Network: testnet
2022-05-15 11:11:22,773:INFO:testnet: Database Chain Metadata: 2019-07-24 20:20:16 / testnet
2022-05-15 11:11:22,773:INFO:testnet: Database Size: 16 GB
2022-05-15 11:11:22,773:INFO:testnet: Cardano Node Tip Slot: 58269055
2022-05-15 11:11:22,773:INFO:testnet: Database Latest Slot: 58269055
2022-05-15 11:11:22,774:INFO:testnet: Sync Progress: 99.99998672149039
2022-05-15 11:11:22,976:INFO:testnet: Successfully created new policy:
tn_project_policy2 / da9627b1e4b4ed53513658cdde296fc6c74565abd688189328cbe139
2022-05-15 11:11:22,976:INFO:testnet: Expires at slot: 66153055
2022-05-15 11:11:22,976:INFO:testnet: Expires in: 3 months
- Create directories needed for NFT images and metadata. Modify as appropriate for your project:
- mkdir nft/testnet/tn_project1
- mkdir nft/testnet/tn_project1/nft_img
- mkdir nft/testnet/tn_project1/nft_metadata
For your own project, create the metadata files that define all the layers and attributes for the drop. Use nft/testnet/tn_project1/tn_project1_metametadata.json as an example. Other files needed are nft/testnet/tn_project1/layersetN.json and nft/testnet/tn_project1/layersetN_layerY.json
Create the NFT images from the layer definitions:
- :~/cardano/$ python3 -m tcr.nftmint --network=testnet --create-drop=tn_project1 --policy=tn_project_policy1
Log File: log/testnet/nftmint_20220515_160706.log
2022-05-15 16:07:06,827:INFO:testnet: TESTNET Payment Processor / NFT Minter
2022-05-15 16:07:06,827:INFO:testnet: Copyright 2021-2022 The Card Room
2022-05-15 16:07:06,827:INFO:testnet: Network: testnet
2022-05-15 16:07:06,828:INFO:testnet: Create RNG with SEED: 1652656027
2022-05-15 16:07:06,829:INFO:testnet: Open MetaMetaData: nft/testnet/tn_project1/tn_project1_metametadata.json
2022-05-15 16:07:06,829:INFO:nft: Opening Layer Set: layerset1.json
2022-05-15 16:07:06,846:INFO:nft: layerset1.json = 2880
2022-05-15 16:07:06,846:INFO:nft: Total Combinations: 2880 images, Layer Sets: 1 sets
2022-05-15 16:07:06,847:INFO:nft: NFTs to generate: 100
2022-05-15 16:07:06,847:INFO:nft: Created: 0
2022-05-15 16:07:06,847:INFO:nft: Create: nft/testnet/tn_project1/nft_img/00001_layerset1__0_5_3_2_1_2.jpg
2022-05-15 16:07:06,929:INFO:nft: Verify Unique: nft/testnet/tn_project1/nft_img/00001_layerset1__0_5_3_2_1_2.jpg
2022-05-15 16:07:06,930:INFO:nft: Created: 1
2022-05-15 16:07:06,931:INFO:nft: Create: nft/testnet/tn_project1/nft_img/00002_layerset1__0_4_3_1_1_0.jpg
2022-05-15 16:07:06,954:INFO:nft: Verify Unique: nft/testnet/tn_project1/nft_img/00002_layerset1__0_4_3_1_1_0.jpg
2022-05-15 16:07:09,891:INFO:testnet: Save MetaMetaData: nft/testnet/tn_project1/tn_project1_metametadata.json
2022-05-15 16:07:09,892:INFO:testnet: Successfully created new drop: nft/testnet/tn_project1/tn_project1.json - Review the new files in nft/testnet/tn_project1/nft_img and nft/testnet/tn_project1/nft_metadata. Verify the images and metadata are correct. You may paste the contents of a nft_metadata file to to view the NFT as it would be minted. Note that at this point the 'image' attribute points to a file on the local filesystem. Modify as appropriate to simulate the NFT image. Also note the file nft/testnet/tn_project1/tn_project1.json. This file is a list of all the NFTs available to mint.
Create an account on to use as an IPFS pinning service. Other services such as or even your own IPFS node may be used. However it will require modifying the code to integrate with this codebase.
Upload the NFT images to the IPFS pinning service and modify the NFT metadata to point to the IPFS image instead of the locally stored file. Note: it will take several hours or even a day to upload a large drop to the IPFS pinning service.
- :~/cardano/$ python3 -m tcr.ipfs --projectid=myprojectid --projectsecret=myprojectsecret --network=testnet --drop=tn_project1
Log File: log/testnet/ipfs_20220515_165824.log
2022-05-15 16:58:24,073:INFO:testnet: TESTNET IPFS Uploader / Metadata Generator
2022-05-15 16:58:24,073:INFO:testnet: Copyright 2021-2022 The Card Room
2022-05-15 16:58:24,073:INFO:testnet: Network: testnet
2022-05-15 16:58:24,073:INFO:testnet: Drop: tn_project1
2022-05-15 16:58:24,075:INFO:testnet: Open NFT Metadata: nft/testnet/tn_project1/nft_metadata/TNx001x0001x1.json
2022-05-15 16:58:24,076:INFO:testnet: Upload: nft/testnet/tn_project1/nft_img/00001_layerset1__0_5_3_2_1_2.jpg / nft/testnet/tn_project1/nft_metadata/TNx001x0001x1.json
2022-05-15 16:58:25,523:INFO:testnet: PIN State: True
2022-05-15 16:58:25,524:INFO:testnet: Saved MetaMetaData: nft/testnet/tn_project1/nft_metadata/TNx001x0001x1.json
2022-05-15 16:58:25,524:INFO:testnet: Verify:
2022-05-15 16:58:25,524:INFO:testnet: - Again review the new files in nft/testnet/tn_project1/nft_img and nft/testnet/tn_project1/nft_metadata. Verify the images and metadata are correct. This time the nft_metadata files have been modified to reference the IPFS location. You may paste the contents of a nft_metadata file to to view the NFT as it would be minted.
- Lookup the wallet address to receive payments. Also make sure the Sync Progress is at least 99.999%
- :~/cardano/$ python3 -m tcr.status --network=testnet --wallet=tn_project_mint
Log File: log/testnet/status_20220515_170502.log
2022-05-15 17:05:03,308:INFO:testnet: Database Chain Metadata: 2019-07-24 20:20:16 / testnet
2022-05-15 17:05:03,308:INFO:testnet: Database Size: 16 GB
2022-05-15 17:05:03,308:INFO:testnet: Cardano Node Tip Slot: 58290175
2022-05-15 17:05:03,309:INFO:testnet: Database Latest Slot: 58290175
2022-05-15 17:05:03,309:INFO:testnet: Sync Progress: 99.99987338283928
2022-05-15 17:05:03,326:INFO:testnet: Root address = addr_test1qpvv9sk30rqafysvzwexvmlaenlgzpg260sdc6ccgzwym7gp86eu3ckadsyev5qwp3w99xc4h7y2u4w6w69xh8xkvyqq38lxe0
2022-05-15 17:05:03,326:INFO:testnet: Mint address = addr_test1qr0c4lg3392s7tkur5san3lpnq9ky3n67ctj8gtxcsfj0hsp86eu3ckadsyev5qwp3w99xc4h7y2u4w6w69xh8xkvyqqnyu4w9
2022-05-15 17:05:03,327:INFO:testnet: Presale address = None
2022-05-15 17:05:03,327:INFO:testnet: Mutate address = None
2022-05-15 17:05:03,327:INFO:testnet: Stake address = None
tn_project_mint UTXOS:
Total: 0.0 ADA
- Monitor incoming payments and mint NFTs
- :~/cardano/$ python3 -m tcr.nftmint --network=testnet --mint --drop=tn_project1
- As NFTs are minted, the list of available NFTs will be updated: nft/testnet/tn_project1/tn_project1.json.
Query Network Status:
python3 -m tcr.status --network=testnet python3 -m tcr.status --network=mainnet
Query Wallet Holdings: The applications know about three different addresses.
- Address Index 0: ROOT, Default address where outputs are sent
- Address Index 1: MINT, Monitor for incoming payments
- Address Index 2: PRESALE, Monitor for presale payments Display UTXOs for all three known addresses (delegated and undelegated):
python3 -m tcr.status --network=testnet --wallet=testnet1
Transfer ADA (lovelace) from one wallet to another:
python3 -m tcr.buybot --network=testnet --src=testnet1 --dst=testnet2 --amount=430000000
Get the Presale address & confirm by generating whitelist (which should be empty):
python3 -m tcr.status --network=mainnet --wallet=tcr_mint python3 -m tcr.genwhitelist --network=testnet --drop=tn_series_3 --output=whitelist.json
Generate a drop: New drop with random data (seed written to log file):
python3 -m tcr.nftmint --network=testnet --create-drop=tn_series_3 --policy=tn_policy1 python3 -m tcr.nftmint --network=mainnet --create-drop=tcr_series_2 --policy=tcr_series_2 --seed=1634027967
Set a seed to recreate a drop: > python3 -m tcr.nftmint --network=testnet --create-drop=tn_series_3 --policy=tn_policy1 --seed=1634631884
Upload images to IPFS via For "cards" do this before generating the drop Updates metadata in series metametadata or nft metadata depending on "cards" or "layers"
python3 -m tcr.ipfs --network=testnet --drop=tn_series_3 --projectid= --projectsecret=
Transfer some ADA for presale:
python3 -m tcr.buybot --network=testnet --src=testnet2 --dst=addr_test1qqmd54x5tqlj4mw7rtfjmec40eetjm595kjezyc3mxhthuy75v3zsngxtma9ul5efvwuut80dsgqv76zdu8fc72472hsqqzw0p --amount=9000000
Generate the whitelist again:
python3 -m tcr.genwhitelist --network=testnet --drop=tn_series_3 --output=whitelist.json
Mint tokens from the whitelist (and continue to general sale):
python3 -m tcr.nftmint --network=testnet --mint --whitelist=whitelist.json --drop=tn_series_3
Transfer all tokens to another wallet: > python3 -m tcr.buybot --network=testnet --dst=testnet1 --src=testnet2 --all
Burn tokens held by the minting wallet: > python3 -m tcr.nftmint --network=testnet --burn --policy=tn_policy1 --confirm
Refund a payment: > python3 -m tcr.refund --network=mainnet --src=tcr_mint --utxo=559b16940536fe9b91ab77b391afdb2ed576e3a17179a8cb7acde724e1dd835a
Refund another payment: > python3 -m tcr.refund --network=mainnet --src=tcr_mint --utxo=6c869968950ee4e3469d744e8bd33d58f6c327b6430e11db4e2b42149ae57267
This code is released under the MIT Opensource License you may use and and modify this code as you see fit. However, this license and all copyright attributions must remain in place.
TCR has spent a significant amount of time, energy, and money creating this package. As such, TCR has placed into the code a small comission for ourself. When an NFT is minted to an external address the code will also transfer the min utxo value to the TCR wallet. Currently this is just 1 ADA. You can of course remove this from the code but it will be highly appreciated if you leave it in. Consider it a small tip to the development team at TCR.
We at TCR hope you find this software useful. Feel free to provide suggestions on feature requests and submit PRs.