An S-Expression parser library, written in Nim.
There are two important functions, decode and encode.
proc decode*(input: string): Exp
Decode takes an input string and outputs an S-Expression object. If any error occurs, it returns an error.
proc encode*(input: Exp): string
Encode takes an S-Expression object and returns a string that contains the S-Expression representation of that object.
An S-Expression can be one of several types.
List types:
- List
,(+ 1 2 3)
,(+ 2 (* 3 4))
Value types:
- String
"Hello, world!"
- Int
- Float
- Atom (also known as keywords)
- Boolean (subtype of atom)
- Symbol
The order in which there are listed, is the order in which they are parsed. Thus there is a hierarchy of types, which determines the output of the decode function.
Atoms are different from symbols, in that atoms won't evaluate to anything.
The symbol foo
may evaluate to a procedure, a number, or even an atom.
The atom :foo
will always resolve to :foo
There are four special atoms:
- Boolean true
- Boolean false
- Operational ok
- Operational error
You can create operational values with the following functions:
proc newOk*(exp: Exp): Exp
The newOk function takes as input any expression and returns (:ok exp)
proc newError*(mesg: string): Exp
The newError function takes in an error messages and returns (:err "Message content")
type Cons* = tuple[car: Exp, cdr: List]
Cons or construct cells are the abstraction used to deconstruct a list to its component parts. Namely car and cdr, which I use to get the procedure and operand symbols. For convenience there are conversion functions.
proc toCons*(list: List): Cons
This function takes in a list and returns a construct cell.
proc toList*(cons: Cons): List
While this functions takes in a construct cell, and return its combination as a list.