Get started with using Node.JS for API calls using Express, MongoDB, JSON, and JWT
- JWT Authorization headers
- bcrypt password hashing
- Express routing
- Pug views with Semantic UI
- JSON bodies and responses (with mapping when necessary)
- MongoDB (find, insert, update)
- Go to example-api-thejuki and edit a file to create a remix
- Update your .env file with your MongoDB components and custom JWT information
- Note: Due to Glitch restictions the API will sleep after 5 minutes of inactivity. Also, the JWT token will expire after 24 hours.
- Use the website to get an idea of the JSON responses of the API.
- Use the API in an application of your choice.
- Except for Login and Verify, a JWT token is required in the header of the request. 'Authorization' = JWT Token with Bearer from Login.
- Use the credentials shown on the home page to login.
- Use @FormUrlEncoded if using Retrofit
- userId - User's username
- password - User's password
- Success - true if login passes
- error - A login error, if any
- token - JWT token with Bearer
- id - User's Contact Id
- fullName - User's Contact Full Name
- username - User's username
- roles - User's roles
- Verify if a JWT token is valid.
- Use @FormUrlEncoded if using Retrofit
- token - JWT token
- Success - true if token is valid
- term - Partial or full Contact name
- List of TableCellJson objects
- NOTE: The fields of this JSON object are general and represents the position of the fields on a cell in a table or list
- id - _id
- status - "Contact"
- date - emailAddress
- account - teamName
- category - businessPhone
- contact - fullName
- term - Partial or full Contact name
- List of ContactLookupJson objects
- id - _id
- value - fullName
- label - fullName + " (" + c.teamName + ")"
- id - The Contact's _id
- ContactJson (Direct mapping to Contact table except for _id)
- Success - false if no Contact is found
- id - _id
- firstName - firstName
- lastName - lastName
- mobilePhone - mobilePhone
- businessPhone - businessPhone
- emailAddress - emailAddress
- supervisorName - supervisorName
- supervisorId - supervisorId
- modifyingUser - modifyingUser
- creatingUser - creatingUser
- createdDate - createdDate
- modifiedDate - modifiedDate
- teamId - teamId
- teamName - teamName
- body - ContactJson
- NOTE: This could be modified to return the inserted/updated ContactJson instead of just the id
- Success - false if Contact could not be added or updated
- id - insertedId or
- pId - parentId
- pType - parentType
- type - type (Type could be "All" to not filter by type)
- List of TableCellJson objects
- NOTE: The fields of this JSON object are general and represents the position of the fields on a cell in a table or list
- id - _id
- status - type
- date - createdDate
- account - striptags(body) // Stripping HTML tags
- category - parentType
- contact - modifyingUser
- id - The Note's _id
- NoteJson (Direct mapping to Note table except for _id)
- Success - false if no Note is found
- id - _id
- type - type
- body - body
- parentId - parentId
- parentType - parentType
- modifyingUser - modifyingUser
- creatingUser - creatingUser
- createdDate - createdDate
- modifiedDate - modifiedDate
- body - NoteJson
- NOTE: This could be modified to return the inserted/updated NoteJson instead of just the id
- Success - false if Note could not be added or updated
- id - insertedId or
You can submit pull requests or issues to this project to make this API even better!
This API is available as open source under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.