Online Movie App to watch movie, webseries etc. Having Functionalities of Login with or Manual Signup and signin. Built using React , MongoDB, Express, Nodejs.
Visuals from the Live Project Chiilax
- New Users landing page i.e. Register Page ------------------------------------------>
- After filling the email id ------------------------------------------>
- On clicking on "GET START" , next block will rendered ---------------------->
- After submitting the details user will redirected to LOGIN PAGE ---------------------->
- Fillng Deatails in LOGIN FORM ---------------------->
- After Sucessfull Authentication user will be redirected to home page of app ---------------------->
- Scrolled down side in home page ---------------------->
- More Scrolling down side in home page ---------------------->
- On Hovering mover over any movie or series ---------------------->
- On reloading every time the main poster of the page gets changed ---------------------->