Edit : I was a kid back then thuinking it to be the best Symetric Encryption algo .. I just re-invented an outdated Cipher algo (lol)
Projects aims at encrypting all types of files..with advanced ceaser cipher (sorry if the spellings are wrong)
The programs don't work without py3
Text_file_encrypter.py instructions:
1/.The menu is well self explanatory
2/.The program asks for the pathname of the .txt file with the .txt extension
3/.The password can also be a sentence. The more longer a password .. The more powerfull the algorithm becomes.. but the same doesnt apply when no of charecters in the .txt is less than the password length .Password can have all special charecters..
4/.The strenght of the encryption doesnt increase in any way by repeatedly encrypting the file by this same algorithm.
5/.Incase you forget any passwords .. dont worry usage log is there to save you.... in menu press 3
6/.Kindly enter only numbers in place of options input
7/.If you like the algorithm or any more bright ideas text me on [email protected] or [email protected]
8/. The encrypted file is created in the same location of the parent file
Image_file_encrypter.py instructions:
0/. Png files are recomended to ensure quality.. however the output files are always in png
1/.The menu is well self explanatory
2/.The program asks for the pathname of the image with its extension
3/.The password can also be a sentence(The more longer a password .. The more powerfull the algorithm becomes..) password can have all special charecters..
4/.The strenght of the encryption doesnt increase in any way by repeatedly encrypting the file by this same algorithm.
5/.Incase you forget any passwords .. dont worry usage log is there to save you.... in menu press 3
6/.Kindly enter only numbers in place of options input
7/.If you like the algorithm or any more bright ideas text me on [email protected] or [email protected]
8/.The encrypted file is created in the same location of the parent file
0/.The instructions are as same as image encrypter(except for the image specific points)
0/.Takes words , sentences with special charecters as password
1/.Can encrypt any file
2/.If the input file has the name . then the output file will have the namse as .secure
3/.The respective .secure must be passed in the decryption menu to obtain the desired decrypted file
4/. Extremely Secure as the encryption happens in the binary level
Universal_file_encrypter_2.0.py 0/.Takes any file with size lesser than the the file to encrypted as password
1/.Can encrypt any file
2/.If the input file has the name . then the output file will have the namse as .secure
3/.The respective .secure must be passed in the decryption menu to obtain the desired decrypted file
4/. Extremely Secure as the encryption happens in the binary level
5/.Skyrocketed data protection to extremely big password obtained form password files...
6/.The bigger the files which have to encrypted or decrypted the greater the amount of execution will be
7/.This program cannot encrypt files larger than 70% the size of your ram
Gui versions are under developement.....