Custom PHP cURL library for the Laravel 4 or 5 framework - developed by Ixudra.
This package can be used by anyone at any given time, but keep in mind that it is optimized for my personal custom workflow. It may not suit your project perfectly and modifications may be in order.
Pull this package in through Composer.
"require": {
"ixudra/curl": "6.*"
Add the service provider to your config/app.php
'providers' => array(
Add the facade to your config/app.php
'facades' => array(
'Curl' => Ixudra\Curl\Facades\Curl::class,
Add the service provider to your app/config/app.php
'providers' => array(
Add the facade to your app/config/app.php
'facades' => array(
'Curl' => 'Ixudra\Curl\Facades\Curl',
Create a new instance of the CurlService
where you would like to use the package:
$curlService = new \Ixudra\Curl\CurlService();
The package provides an easy interface for sending cURL requests from your application. The package provides a fluent
interface similar the Laravel query builder to easily configure the request. There are several utility methods that allow
you to easily add certain options to the request. If no utility method applies, you can also use the general withOption
In order to send a GET
request, you need to use the get()
method that is provided by the package:
// Send a GET request to:
$response = Curl::to('')
// Send a GET request to:
$response = Curl::to('')
->withData( array( 'foz' => 'baz' ) )
// Send a GET request to: using JSON
$response = Curl::to('')
->withData( array( 'foz' => 'baz' ) )
Post requests work similar to GET
requests, but use the post()
method instead:
// Send a POST request to:
$response = Curl::to('')
// Send a POST request to:
$response = Curl::to('')
->withData( array( 'foz' => 'baz' ) )
// Send a POST request to: with arguments 'foz' = 'baz' using JSON
$response = Curl::to('')
->withData( array( 'foz' => 'baz' ) )
// Send a POST request to: with arguments 'foz' = 'baz' using JSON and return as associative array
$response = Curl::to('')
->withData( array( 'foz' => 'baz' ) )
->asJson( true )
Put requests work similar to POST
requests, but use the put()
method instead:
// Send a PUT request to: with arguments 'foz' = 'baz' using JSON
$response = Curl::to('')
->withData( array( 'foz' => 'baz' ) )
Delete requests work similar to GET
requests, but use the delete()
method instead:
// Send a DELETE request to: using JSON
$response = Curl::to('')
For Posting a file, you can use the containsFile
method to correctly format a request before sending:
$response = Curl::to('')
->withData( array( 'foz' => 'baz' ) )
->containsFile( true )
For downloading a file, you can use the download()
// Download an image from: file
$response = Curl::to('')
In case a request fails, it might be useful to get debug the request. In this case, you can use the debug()
This method uses one parameter, which is the name of the file in which the debug information is to be stored:
// Send a GET request to and log debug information in /path/to/dir/logFile.txt
$response = Curl::to('')
You can add various cURL options to the request using of several utility methods such as withHeader()
for adding a
header to the request, or use the general withOption()
method if no utility method applies. The package will
automatically prepend the options with the CURLOPT_
prefix. It is worth noting that the package does not perform
any validation on the cURL options. Additional information about available cURL options can be found
Usage without Laravel is identical to usage described previously. The only difference is that you will not be able to
use the facades to access the CurlService
$curlService = new \Ixudra\Curl\CurlService();
// Send a GET request to:
$response = $curlService->to('')
// Send a POST request to:
$response = $curlService->to('')
// Send a PUT request to:
$response = $curlService->to('')
// Send a DELETE request to:
$response = $curlService->to('')
- Add additional utility methods for other cURL options
- Add contract to allow different HTTP providers such as Guzzle
This template is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license
Jan Oris (developer)
- Email: [email protected]
- Telephone: +32 496 94 20 57