Commit b58e233
1 parent b08c424 commit b58e233
File tree
2,318 files changed
lines changed- .github/workflows
- Docs
- OTFMagicBox
- Assets.xcassets
- Images
- Assets
- add-person-icon.imageset
- air-pollution.imageset
- ambulance 1.imageset
- ambulance.imageset
- ambulance2.imageset
- analysis.imageset
- apple.imageset
- at-sign-icon.imageset
- atom.imageset
- attribution-icon.imageset
- avatar-icon.imageset
- back-pain.imageset
- bacteria-icon.imageset
- balloon-icon.imageset
- balloons.imageset
- bayesian.imageset
- beacon-icon.imageset
- bell-jar-icon.imageset
- bicycle-icon.imageset
- biomonitoring-icon.imageset
- biosamples-icon.imageset
- blinded-icon.imageset
- blood-analysis.imageset
- blood-icon.imageset
- blood-pressure.imageset
- blood-types.imageset
- blood.imageset
- bot-icon.imageset
- brain-icon.imageset
- brain.imageset
- broken-link.imageset
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- business-contract.imageset
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- cancer-icon.imageset
- cancer.imageset
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- capsules.imageset
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- cart-icon.imageset
- checkmark-icon.imageset
- checkmark-icon2.imageset
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- childhood-development.imageset
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- clock-icon.imageset
- cloud-download.imageset
- cloud-icon.imageset
- cloud-processing.imageset
- cloud-upload.imageset
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- confidential.imageset
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- controller-icon.imageset
- cough.imageset
- counseling.imageset
- counselling2.imageset
- cyber-security-icon.imageset
- cyber-security-icon2.imageset
- cyber-security.imageset
- cyber-security2.imageset
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- dna.imageset
- dna2.imageset
- dna3.imageset
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- doctor-hospital2.imageset
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- doctor-with-exams.imageset
- doctor-with-laptop.imageset
- doctor-with-whiteboard.imageset
- doctor-x-ray.imageset
- doctor.imageset
- doctor2 1.imageset
- doctor2.imageset
- doctor3.imageset
- doctor4.imageset
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- download.imageset
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- drug.imageset
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- ear-doctor.imageset
- ear-icon.imageset
- edit-icon.imageset
- edit-tools-icon.imageset
- ehr.imageset
- electrocardiogram.imageset
- email.imageset
- emergency.imageset
- euro-icon.imageset
- europe-laptop.imageset
- europe-security-lock.imageset
- europe-security-privacy.imageset
- european-security.imageset
- experimental-icon.imageset
- eye-doctor.imageset
- face-mask-icon.imageset
- face-mask.imageset
- family-icon.imageset
- feedback.imageset
- female doctor 1.imageset
- female doctor.imageset
- female-doctor-telemedicine.imageset
- filter-icon.imageset
- first-aid.imageset
- fitness-analysis.imageset
- food-pyramid.imageset
- food-vertical 1.imageset
- food-vertical.imageset
- fruit-heart.imageset
- fruit-heart2.imageset
- fruits.imageset
- gdpr-digital-europe.imageset
- gdpr-green.imageset
- gdpr.imageset
- gdpr2.imageset
- gdpr3.imageset
- gdpr4.imageset
- gear-icon.imageset
- gene-editing.imageset
- gene-function.imageset
- gene-icon.imageset
- genetic-testing.imageset
- genomic-privacy-icon.imageset
- globe-icon.imageset
- goggles-icon.imageset
- graphic-design-people.imageset
- hacker-security.imageset
- hair-follicle.imageset
- hand-hygiene-icon.imageset
- hand-sanitizer-icon.imageset
- handshake-icon.imageset
- handshake.imageset
- happy-face-icon.imageset
- headache.imageset
- headphones-icon.imageset
- health-ecg.imageset
- health-insurance.imageset
- health-metrics.imageset
- health-toothbrush.imageset
- heart-doctor.imageset
- heart-ekg-icon.imageset
- heart-fruits.imageset
- heart-hands.imageset
- heart-hands2.imageset
- heart-hands3.imageset
- heart-icon.imageset
- heart-smoke.imageset
- hearth-ecg-icon.imageset
- help-911-ambulance.imageset
- help.imageset
- hobbies-art-spare-time.imageset
- house-home-icon.imageset
- hug-welcome.imageset
- id-card.imageset
- incognito-icon.imageset
- infinity-icon.imageset
- information-icon.imageset
- injection-icon.imageset
- internet-wifi.imageset
- internet-wifi2.imageset
- keyboard-icon.imageset
- kidney-doctor.imageset
- lab-doctor.imageset
- label-icon.imageset
- lack-of-sunshine.imageset
- laptop-download-upload.imageset
- laptop-handshake.imageset
- laptop-icon.imageset
- laptop-security.imageset
- letter-icon.imageset
- license-icon.imageset
- life-stage-icon.imageset
- lightbulb-icon.imageset
- lims.imageset
- link-icon.imageset
- list-icon.imageset
- liver-doctor.imageset
- location-icon.imageset
- lock-icon.imageset
- lungs.imageset
- magnifier-icon.imageset
- magnifying-glass-icon.imageset
- man-exercise.imageset
- man-on-bycycle-icon.imageset
- man-waist-line.imageset
- mask.imageset
- massage.imageset
- meal-icon.imageset
- medical-care.imageset
- medical-checklist.imageset
- medical-doctor.imageset
- medical-healthcare.imageset
- medical-history.imageset
- medical-insurance.imageset
- medical-international.imageset
- medical-prescriptions.imageset
- medical-record.imageset
- medical-records.imageset
- medicine-icon.imageset
- medicine.imageset
- mental health.imageset
- mental-imbalance.imageset
- mental-processes.imageset
- mentor-icon.imageset
- metabolomics.imageset
- microphone-icon.imageset
- milk.imageset
- mobile-device-laptop.imageset
- monitor-icon.imageset
- more-icon.imageset
- muscle-icon.imageset
- music-icon.imageset
- my-plate-food.imageset
- neurology-doctor.imageset
- new-icon.imageset
- nursing-home.imageset
- nutrition-icon.imageset
- online-agreement.imageset
- ontology-icon.imageset
- open-lock-icon.imageset
- open-source-software 1.imageset
- open-source-software.imageset
- orange-juice-vertical 1.imageset
- orange-juice-vertical.imageset
- package-icon.imageset
- pandemic-strategies.imageset
- paper-airplane-icon.imageset
- parts-icon.imageset
- pathogens.imageset
- patient.imageset
- pdf-icon.imageset
- pedigree-icon.imageset
- periodontist.imageset
- person-icon.imageset
- person-question.imageset
- pharmacist.imageset
- pharmacogenomics.imageset
- phishing.imageset
- phone-blood-donor.imageset
- phone-icon.imageset
- photo-icon.imageset
- physiotherapy.imageset
- pill.imageset
- pill2.imageset
- plank-exercise.imageset
- play-button-icon.imageset
- play-button.imageset
- printer-icon.imageset
- prognosis-icon.imageset
- protein-icon.imageset
- psyche.imageset
- pulse-trace.imageset
- qr-code-icon.imageset
- question-mark-icon.imageset
- rain-icon.imageset
- randomized-trial.imageset
- randomized-trial2.imageset
- rare-disease.imageset
- recursion-icon.imageset
- rest-icon.imageset
- running.imageset
- running2.imageset
- school.imageset
- science-presentation.imageset
- scientist-researcher.imageset
- security-gears.imageset
- security.imageset
- security2.imageset
- shut-down-icon.imageset
- sign-security-icon.imageset
- sign-security.imageset
- sign-security2.imageset
- smartphone-icon.imageset
- social-media.imageset
- social-network-icon.imageset
- software-license.imageset
- speech-icon.imageset
- sphygmomanometer.imageset
- sports-soccer-icon.imageset
- spreadsheet-icon 1.imageset
- spreadsheet-icon.imageset
- statistics-graphs.imageset
- statistics-icon.imageset
- stethoscope-icon.imageset
- stethoscope-icon2.imageset
- stethoscope-smartphone.imageset
- stomach-icon.imageset
- stomach-icon2.imageset
- stomach-pain.imageset
- storage-icon.imageset
- strength training.imageset
- sun-icon.imageset
- survey.imageset
- tablet-icon.imageset
- teamwork-icon.imageset
- teeth-dentist.imageset
- time-icon.imageset
- tooth.imageset
- travel-airplane-icon.imageset
- triplestore-search.imageset
- ultrasound-fetus.imageset
- upload-icon.imageset
- usb-icon.imageset
- user-satisfaction.imageset
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- vaccine.imageset
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- vegetables-vertical2.imageset
- vegetables.imageset
- vegetables2.imageset
- vet.imageset
- vet2.imageset
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- virus-doctor.imageset
- virus-icon.imageset
- virus-icon2.imageset
- virus-icon4.imageset
- vitamin-A.imageset
- vitamins.imageset
- vpn-shield.imageset
- walking-icon.imageset
- wearables.imageset
- yoga-icon.imageset
- TheraforgeLogo.imageset
- activityImage.imageset
- surveyImage.imageset
- LoginMethods/apple-login.imageset
- Symbols
- SFFeathers
- activity.symbolset
- airplay.symbolset
- alert-circle.symbolset
- alert-octagon.symbolset
- alert-triangle.symbolset
- align-center.symbolset
- align-justify.symbolset
- align-left.symbolset
- align-right.symbolset
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- arrow-right.symbolset
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- arrow-up-left.symbolset
- arrow-up-right.symbolset
- arrow-up.symbolset
- at-sign.symbolset
- award.symbolset
- bar-chart-2.symbolset
- bar-chart.symbolset
- battery-charging.symbolset
- battery.symbolset
- bell-off.symbolset
- bell.symbolset
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- bold.symbolset
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- book.symbolset
- bookmark.symbolset
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- briefcase.symbolset
- calendar.symbolset
- camera-off.symbolset
- camera.symbolset
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- check-square.symbolset
- check.symbolset
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- chevron-right.symbolset
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- cloud-lightning.symbolset
- cloud-off.symbolset
- cloud-rain.symbolset
- cloud-snow.symbolset
- cloud.symbolset
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- codepen.symbolset
- codesandbox.symbolset
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- file-plus.symbolset
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- folder-plus.symbolset
- folder.symbolset
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- frown.symbolset
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- git-commit.symbolset
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- github-symbol.symbolset
- gitlab.symbolset
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- grid.symbolset
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- heart.symbolset
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- inbox.symbolset
- info.symbolset
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- linkedin-symbol.symbolset
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- loader.symbolset
- lock.symbolset
- log-in.symbolset
- log-out.symbolset
- mail.symbolset
- map-pin.symbolset
- map.symbolset
- maximize-2.symbolset
- maximize.symbolset
- meh.symbolset
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- message-square.symbolset
- mic-off.symbolset
- mic.symbolset
- minimize-2.symbolset
- minimize.symbolset
- minus-circle.symbolset
- minus-square.symbolset
- minus.symbolset
- monitor.symbolset
- moon.symbolset
- more-horizontal.symbolset
- more-vertical.symbolset
- mouse-pointer.symbolset
- move.symbolset
- music.symbolset
- octagon.symbolset
- package.symbolset
- paperclip.symbolset
- pause-circle.symbolset
- pause.symbolset
- pen-tool.symbolset
- percent.symbolset
- phone-call.symbolset
- phone-forwarded.symbolset
- phone-incoming.symbolset
- phone-missed.symbolset
- phone-off.symbolset
- phone-outgoing.symbolset
- phone.symbolset
- pie-chart.symbolset
- play-circle.symbolset
- play.symbolset
- plus-circle.symbolset
- plus-square.symbolset
- plus.symbolset
- pocket.symbolset
- power.symbolset
- printer.symbolset
- radio.symbolset
- refresh-ccw.symbolset
- refresh-cw.symbolset
- repeat.symbolset
- rewind.symbolset
- rotate-ccw.symbolset
- rotate-cw.symbolset
- rss.symbolset
- save.symbolset
- scissors.symbolset
- search.symbolset
- send.symbolset
- server.symbolset
- settings.symbolset
- shield-off.symbolset
- shield.symbolset
- shopping-bag.symbolset
- shopping-cart.symbolset
- shuffle.symbolset
- sidebar.symbolset
- skip-back.symbolset
- skip-forward.symbolset
- slack.symbolset
- slash.symbolset
- sliders.symbolset
- smartphone.symbolset
- smile.symbolset
- speaker.symbolset
- square.symbolset
- star.symbolset
- stop-circle.symbolset
- sun.symbolset
- sunrise.symbolset
- sunset.symbolset
- tablet.symbolset
- tag.symbolset
- target.symbolset
- terminal.symbolset
- thermometer.symbolset
- thumbs-down.symbolset
- thumbs-up.symbolset
- toggle-left.symbolset
- toggle-right.symbolset
- tool.symbolset
- trash-2.symbolset
- trash.symbolset
- trello.symbolset
- trending-down.symbolset
- trending-up.symbolset
- triangle.symbolset
- truck.symbolset
- tv.symbolset
- twitch-symbol.symbolset
- twitter-symbol.symbolset
- type.symbolset
- umbrella.symbolset
- underline.symbolset
- unlock.symbolset
- upload-cloud.symbolset
- upload.symbolset
- user-check.symbolset
- user-minus.symbolset
- user-plus.symbolset
- user-x.symbolset
- user.symbolset
- users.symbolset
- video-off.symbolset
- video.symbolset
- voicemail.symbolset
- volume-1.symbolset
- volume-2.symbolset
- volume-x.symbolset
- volume.symbolset
- watch.symbolset
- wifi-off.symbolset
- wifi.symbolset
- wind.symbolset
- x-circle.symbolset
- x-octagon.symbolset
- x-square.symbolset
- x.symbolset
- youtube.symbolset
- zap-off.symbolset
- zap.symbolset
- zoom-in.symbolset
- zoom-out.symbolset
- Social Media
- app-store-circle-fill.symbolset
- app-store-circle.symbolset
- app-store-square-fill.symbolset
- app-store-square.symbolset
- discord-fill.symbolset
- discord.symbolset
- facebook-circle-fill.symbolset
- facebook-circle.symbolset
- facebook-like-fill.symbolset
- facebook-like.symbolset
- facebook-messenger-fill.symbolset
- facebook-messenger.symbolset
- facebook-square-fill.symbolset
- facebook-square.symbolset
- github-fill.symbolset
- github.symbolset
- google-maps-fill.symbolset
- google-maps.symbolset
- houseparty.symbolset
- instagram-fill.symbolset
- instagram.symbolset
- line.symbolset
- linkedin-fill.symbolset
- linkedin.symbolset
- medium-fill.symbolset
- medium.symbolset
- meetup-fill.symbolset
- meetup.symbolset
- mewe.symbolset
- parler.symbolset
- pinterest-fill.symbolset
- pinterest.symbolset
- qq.symbolset
- quora.symbolset
- reddit-fill.symbolset
- reddit.symbolset
- snapchat-circle-fill.symbolset
- snapchat-circle.symbolset
- snapchat-fill.symbolset
- snapchat-square-fill.symbolset
- snapchat-square.symbolset
- snapchat.symbolset
- stack-overflow.symbolset
- telegram-circle-fill.symbolset
- telegram-circle.symbolset
- tiktok-fill.symbolset
- tiktok.symbolset
- tinder-fill.symbolset
- tinder.symbolset
- tumblr-fill.symbolset
- tumblr.symbolset
- twitch.symbolset
- twitter-circle-fill.symbolset
- twitter-circle.symbolset
- twitter-fill.symbolset
- twitter-square-fill.symbolset
- twitter-square.symbolset
- twitter.symbolset
- vimeo.symbolset
- vk-fill.symbolset
- vk.symbolset
- wechat-fill.symbolset
- wechat.symbolset
- weibo.symbolset
- whatsapp-fill.symbolset
- whatsapp.symbolset
- wordpress-fill.symbolset
- wordpress.symbolset
- xing-squared-fill.symbolset
- xing-squared.symbolset
- xing.symbolset
- youtube-play-button-fill.symbolset
- youtube-play-button.symbolset
- zoom-fill.symbolset
- zoom.symbolset
- faceId.imageset
- touchId.imageset
- Base.lproj
- CheckUp
- Consent
- Contacts
- Datastore
- Library
- Extension
- Yaml
- ModuleAppYmlReader+DataModel
- Login
- Onboarding
- Profile
- ViewModel
- Views
- Schedule
- StaticViews
- CareKit
- Tasks
- ViewModifiers
- Views
- OTFMagicBox Watch Watch App
- Assets.xcassets
- AccentColor.colorset
- AppIcon.appiconset
- Preview Content/Preview Assets.xcassets
- OTFMagicBox Watch Watch AppTests
- OTFMagicBox Watch Watch AppUITests
- OTFMagicBox.xcodeproj
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
2,318 files changed
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Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
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393 KB
227 KB
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File renamed without changes.
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
| 1 | + | |
| 2 | + | |
| 3 | + | |
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| 20 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
| 1 | + | |
| 2 | + | |
| 3 | + | |
| 4 | + | |
| 5 | + | |
| 6 | + | |
| 7 | + | |
| 8 | + | |
| 9 | + | |
| 10 | + | |
| 11 | + | |
| 12 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
| 1 | + | |
| 2 | + | |
| 3 | + | |
| 4 | + | |
| 5 | + | |
| 6 | + | |
| 7 | + | |
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| 11 | + | |
| 12 | + | |
| 13 | + | |
| 14 | + | |
| 15 | + | |
| 16 | + | |
| 17 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
| 1 | + | |
| 2 | + | |
| 3 | + | |
| 4 | + | |
| 5 | + | |
| 6 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
| 1 | + | |
| 2 | + | |
| 3 | + | |
| 4 | + | |
| 5 | + | |
| 6 | + | |
| 7 | + | |
| 8 | + | |
| 9 | + | |
| 10 | + | |
| 11 | + | |
| 12 | + | |
| 13 | + | |
| 14 | + | |
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| 32 | + | |
| 33 | + | |
| 34 | + | |
| 35 | + | |
| 36 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
| 1 | + | |
| 2 | + | |
| 3 | + | |
| 4 | + | |
| 5 | + | |
| 6 | + | |
| 7 | + | |
| 8 | + | |
| 9 | + | |
| 10 | + | |
| 11 | + | |
| 12 | + | |
| 13 | + | |
| 14 | + | |
| 15 | + | |
| 16 | + | |
| 17 | + | |
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| 34 | + | |
| 35 | + | |
| 36 | + | |
| 37 | + | |
| 38 | + | |
| 39 | + | |
| 40 | + | |
| 41 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
| 1 | + | |
| 2 | + | |
| 3 | + | |
| 4 | + | |
| 5 | + | |
| 6 | + | |
| 7 | + | |
| 8 | + | |
| 9 | + | |
| 10 | + | |
| 11 | + | |
| 12 | + | |
| 13 | + | |
| 14 | + | |
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| 29 | + | |
| 30 | + | |
| 31 | + | |
| 32 | + |
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