The original idea comes from @gslotis, I take the idea and transpose it to angular2 in typescript : Quick Firebase / RxJS binding prototype
The basic idea is really simple, we use the power of RxJs to turn simple data from Firebase into a stream. So all we need to do is to declare a reference on the firebase url and wrap the incoming data inside an Observable.
Declare a reference
private _ref: Firebase;
constructor() { this._ref = new Firebase('your_firebase_url'); }
Wrap the incoming data
// @params eventType -> the name of the event ("value", "child_added", "child_changed", "child_removed", or "child_moved.") // @params path -> the node you want to get data if nothing set just take the root. public observe(eventType: string, path: string = '/'): Observable<any> { var observable: Observable<any> = new Observable(observer => { // Move to the node then listen on the ref var listener = this._ref.child(path).on(eventType, snapshot => { // Say to observers : "Hey I am a new data !"; }, error => { // Oops something went wrong observer.error(error); }); // Stop listening on destroy return function() {, listener); }; }); // Finally give the stream return observable; }
That's all !
Now to use it, you just need to inject this service inside your component (or a service) and call the observe method.
For my convenience I like to set the observe method in private and declare inline function who will perform the observe call for me. For example :
public getValue(path: string): Observable<any> {
return this.observe('value', path);
public getValue(path: string): Observable<any> {
return this.observe('child_added', path);
The purpose is to forget about the event_type and focus on how I want the data. I think it is more readable to have something like fb_service.getValue(mypath)
than fb_service.observe('value', mypath)