Packer file used to build a workstation the runs LimeCompiler from ThreatResponse
packer build packer.json
The role provided in lime-compiler-policy.json
is the minimum instance profile needed to the gem to push and pull from s3.
A file is included that is a sample cloudformation stack template. Ensure you update the tags to represent your environment.
and 03-sync
in the files directory will also require modification to match your kernel module bucket.
Required Environment Variables these are taken from AWS Tags in the UserData script of the Stack Template
export CONFIG_PATH='conf/config.yml' export GPG_HOME='build_gpg_home' export GPG_FINGERPRINT='80DA92CB09161F241C8F9BC918BA980367172B17' export KMS_REGION='us-west-2' export AES_KEY_EXPORT_PATH='s3://threatresponse.limecompiler.configs/aes_export.aes' export GPG_KEY_EXPORT_PATH='s3://threatresponse.limecompiler.configs/gpg_export.aes' export OPTIONAL_ARGS="--gpg-sign --gpg-id ${GPG_FINGERPRINT} --gpg-home ${GPG_HOME} --kms-region ${KMS_REGION} --aes-key-export ${AES_KEY_EXPORT_PATH} --gpg-key-export ${GPG_KEY_EXPORT_PATH}"