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TiBillet docs

You can view your edits and deploy the TiBillet docs with several methods, listed here from the simplest one to the fiddliest one.

Using the Makefile


  • gnu make (you probably have it)
  • docker cli and docker-compose
  • low level utilities: bash, sed (yeah you have them)


  • make init to initiate your environment (done automatically if .env is absent)
  • make start and make stop to start and stop the container (and serve the node app) sometimes flimsy, use build instead if it fails too often, sorry
  • make en or make fr to change the environment locale
    • combine the targets to restart in a different locale, ex make fr start
  • make build to rebuild your docker containers
  • make shell to enter a bash shell in the container
  • make deploy to deploy the docs to github pages (all locales)

Don't be in too much of a hurry! at first start, the container needs to build your documentation, it might take it around 30 seconds to show up, doesn't mean anything's wrong with it…

Running from the container


  • docker cli and docker-compose


  • cp env_example .env to init your environment
    • fill in your Git credentials and the target locale
  • docker compose up -d and docker compose down to start and stop the container and serve the node app
    • to change the locale, edit the dot .env and do a new compose up
  • docker compose up -d --build to rebuild the containers
  • docker exec -ti tibillet_docusaurus bash to enter a shell in the container
  • yarn deploy from inside the container to deploy to github pages

Local yarn install


  • node, yarn


  • yarn install to install dependencies
  • yarn start --poll 1000 --locale xx (where xx is either fr or en)
  • yarn deploy to deploy to github pages

This website is built using Docusaurus, a modern static website generator.