The reputation-based aggregation for Federated Learning
This code requires the following:
- Python 3.6 or greater
- PyTorch 1.6 or greater
- Torchvision
- Numpy 1.18.5
- Download train and test datasets manually from the given links, or they will use the default links in torchvision.
- Experiments are run on MNIST, Fashion-MNIST and CIFAR10.∼kriz/cifar.html
You can change the default values of other parameters to simulate different conditions. Refer to
The default values for various parameters parsed to the experiment are given in
. Details are given some of those parameters:
Default is 'mnist'. Options: 'mnist', 'cifar'--iid:
Defaul is False.--seed:
Random Seed. Default is 1.--model:
Local model. Default is 'cnn'. Options: 'cnn', 'resnet18'--agg:
Aggregation methods. Default is 'fedavg'. Options: 'median', 'trimmed-mean', 'irls'.--epochs:
Rounds of training. Default is 100.--frac:
The fraction of parties. Default is 0.1.
Chu, Tianyue, Alvaro Garcia-Recuero, Costas Iordanou, Georgios Smaragdakis, and Nikolaos Laoutaris. "Securing Federated Sensitive Topic Classification against Poisoning Attacks." NDSS 2023.